Five ways to get your home ready for revision season

Blog Article

How to stick to your revision timetable

Revision can be hard for both parents and children in the run up to exam season. You aren’t able to do the revision for them, yet there are other things you can do to support their studies and encourage their success. We’ve put together five ways you can get your household ready for revision.

1. Set the scene

Designate an undisturbed place for homework and study, which is big enough to allow your child enough space to spread out their materials. De-clutter and try to eliminate as many distractions as possible. Encourage phones to be on silent and out of sight. Design the space around them. 

2. Resources at the ready

Ask them what resources they need to revise effectively and consistently. This may be stationery, notice boards, revision guides and planners. Kids are glued to technology these days so investigate revision apps that might help – just make sure they aren’t being distracted by social media. 

3. Create a supportive atmosphere

We know you will probably be as nervous as you child to do well in their exams. Young adults can be extremely receptive to emotional atmospheres, so try not to project any negative or stressful feelings. Inspire them to do well rather than pressure them.

4. Household routine

Try to keep meals at the same each evening and collectively agree on the best times for them to study. Regularity is key. If you can establish a good routine it will make revising less of a chore. Allow time for their extra-curricular activities and exercise, to keep them active and energised.

5. Quiet time

If there are younger siblings, people working from home or lots of noise in the house it can make it extremely difficult for older children to concentrate on their homework. You can enforce a ‘quiet-time’ in the household, where younger children are kept occupied or other noise sources reduced to allow a good atmosphere for study.