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Believe it or not but those born in the early 2000s are now sitting their A Level exams, including your dear offspring. As you try to help them through their revision, you may no doubt be reflecting on your own sixth form days and perhaps a little out of touch with today’s revision techniques. Get ready for some nostalgia as we take you through the ultimate revision throwback.
1. Wiki-who?
Yes, there was apparently a time where if you needed to look something up or references for an essay; you couldn’t just use the bottom of a Wikipedia page. You had to go to a bookshop (?) called “the Library” and read books – not the type that download onto your Kindle either.
2. Group work… in an actual group
Imagine having to meet your group-mates for your revision sessions instead of just ignoring them in the project group chat? Well, in the 80s WhatsApp didn’t even exist, or any social media for that matter. You would have to arrange to all meet in person on a given day/time and just hope everyone turns up. Turning your read receipts off clearly wasn’t an option.
3. Pens were used for more than just biting on
Good luck typing all your revision notes! The closest you would get to Microsoft Word in the 80s is a typewriter (it’s like a computer keyboard without the wires or the monitor). If using a typewriter was too much faff, then tough luck; the only other option would be to write things down using a good old pen and paper.
Although lots has changed since the '80s, there are still some things that haven't. Revision is still stressful for kids and finding the right thing to say or do can be hard.