Rufopoly resource kit

There are four stages to this project:

WP1: Review and learn lessons from previous Rufopoly experiences

This involves:

  1. an assessment of the actual results and findings from past games that were written up and the results analysed.
  2. critical assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of Rufopoly from facilitators and core participants. We will draw primarily from our UK experiences but are also able to secure insights from the international adaptations of Rufopoly from Nebraska (November 2013) and Sweden (2014).
WP2: Conduct a series of interactive workshops with different policy and practice audiences

These workshops will be held in England, Scotland and Wales using members of the research team and other participants. The purpose of these workshops is to:

  1. share results of WP1;
  2. assess how the tool could be reconfigured to address the principal needs and challenges facing participants;
  3. prioritise feasible options for a Rufopoly Resource Kit.
WP3: Using WP1 and WP2 outcomes, we will design and trial (across our team) the Rufopoly 'Mk2' resource kit and associated materials/guidance
WP4: Launch the Rufopoly Resource Kit and guidance in a live streamed global workshop event

This would reveal the basic resource kit as co-designed by the team and enable testers of the resource kit to share their experiences maximising knowledge exchange and its range of potential applications.