Blog Article

The core elements of Art Activisms are concerned with how we define cultural practices and their relationship to activism as a form of political and social protest. We focus on the political dimensions of cultural production and, specifically, the extent to which art as a form of activism reflects upon, intersects with and, invariably, seeks to determine outcomes and define debates within civil society, political movements, and social practices.
Staff who are active in the Art Activisms research cluster challenge and extend the potential of contemporary art to change the world through their practices and research.
The increasingly political dimension of contemporary art has given rise to a number of important questions about the role it plays in today’s society. We focus on the political dimensions of cultural production and, specifically, the extent to which art as a form of activism reflects upon, intersects with and, invariably, seeks to define debates within civil society, political movements and social practices. In short, researchers in the cluster at Birmingham School of Art aim to challenge and extend the potential of contemporary art to change the world.
Cluster Supervisors:
Anthony Downey, Becky Shaw, Lisa Metherell, Theo Reeves-Evison, Sian Vaughan, Gavin Wade, Stuart Whipps, Esther Windsor.