Research projects
The Impact of Coronavirus on Health and Wellbeing
The project aims to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and well-being of adults (aged 16 year...
European PhD Hub
The European PhD hub is an online electronic platform that will provide PhD students, Researchers and Universities wit...
Inclusive FinTech: Co-Creating Inclusive Future Financial Technologies with Disabled Communities
The Inclusive FinTech project aims to address the accessibility gap in financial technologies by engaging disabled...
KTP Partnership with GSK
This knowledge transfer partnership sees BCU experts partner with GlaxoSmithKline to create innovative augmented reali...
Vehicle configurator augmented reality system
Working in partnership to create immersive, real-time visualisation systems for motor vehicles.
Haptic Feedback for Supporting Navigation in VR Experiences for Users with Visual Impairments
The current reliance on visual feedback in virtual reality head mounted display technologies can make the hardware inac...
Birmingham In Real Time
Birmingham in Real Time (BiRT) has a simple, clear but highly beneficial mission – to make available, and improve ac...
Inclusive coding for disabled developers
This funded project seeks to make coding more accessible for developers with physical impairments.
Data Science Collaboration project with Birmingham City Council
The Data Science collaboration project leverages data across Birmingham and beyond, empowering Birmingham City Council...
Inclusive Augmented and Virtual Reality Experiences
To address the limited work in this area, the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Research Group were awarded a grant...
Digital Prototyping via Eye Gaze Interaction
This project aims to explore new inclusive opportunities for designers with physical impairments and we are investigat...
Big Data Corridor
The Big Data Corridor (BDC) started as a way to link businesses with emerging technologies and help them utilise their ...
WMCA Serrano: A Vision-based System for Road Traffic Monitoring
This research project, in collaboration with West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), aims to develop smarter traffic ...
Vibrotactile feedback for the accessibility of DAWs for Blind and Visual Impaired Music Creators
Haptic technology presents promising avenues for enhancing the usability of computer interfaces, offering supplementa...
To detect and monitor terrorist activity, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) increasingly rely on social media intelligenc...