Birmingham Music Education Research Group

B-MERG brings multiple faculties together to research music-based teaching and learning.

B-MERG is concerned with all styles, genres and traditions of music and values equality of access. The research group works with a diverse range of children and young people, including those with SEND and other personal challenges to learning. B-MERG champions music education research to facilitate better understanding of musical thinking and making, to enable enriched educational experiences for young people. Based in Birmingham, B-MERG’s sphere of influence is nonetheless international in scope.

Deconstructing the barriers to music participation

Our Arts and Humanities Research Council grant work is deconstructing the barriers to full participation to music and  providing a space for transdisciplinary exploration and debate. The network will bring together academics and professionals from various fields including; music education, instrumental science, music technology, music psychology, medical and neurological sciences, as well as policy makers, charity organisations, funders, musicians, music practitioners and those working in the music sectors, to four network events.

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Research projects

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Members and partners

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