Research projects
The Early Years research group broadly aims to empower children, young people and families by increasing understanding and provision of health, education and social services in the wider cultural context of their lives.
Two key research strands underpin our work:
- Young children as producers and consumers of digital media for entertainment and educational purposes
- Inclusion and participation for marginalised and stigmatised groups of children, young people and families.
The Erasmus Plus winning project ‘Democracy through Drama (DEMO:DRAM) seeks to address a range of issues essential for democratic classrooms and schools that are facilitated by competent teachers aiming to increase student civic engagement and democratic awareness and participation.
Independent Evaluation of Fosterline England
Birmingham City University researchers evaluate foster care service, Fosterline.
Relationship-based early intervention services
Early intervention services have the capacity to make big improvements to children's outcomes, but how might these ser...
The social organisation of knowledge in a Conductive Education Centre in Birmingham
This project aims to unpack the benefits of Conductive Education (CE) by working with a CE centre in Birmingham.
Evaluating Holiday Kitchen for Hungry Children
Free school meals can be a vital lifeline for economically disadvantaged families but during the school holidays child...
Early care and education experiences of young children born prematurely
Exploring the early care and education experiences of children born prematurely through reports from parents.
Vocational training for physiotherapists
This project aims to improve the lives of children with complex disabilities by trailing early intervention methods ...
Examining Sex and Relationship Education
Sex and Relationship Education in schools will always be a contentious topic but to what extent do a teacher’s own vie...