Blog Article

The research is in its early stages and has already identified exemplars of creative modes of research dissemination.
- Geof Hill
- Dimitar Angelov (Coventry University)
In 2002 UNESCO redefined what counted as research to include performative work (OECD, 2002). The paradigm wars (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005) informed new ways of undertaking research and thus new ways of disseminating research. The ‘wars’ generated paradigm conversations within which was situated identification/nomination of a Performative Inquiry paradigm (Haseman, 2006). Similarly, the Performative turn was positioned within discussions surrounding Narrative inquiry (Peterson and Langellier, 2006).
In the context of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 that prompted researchers to focus on impact of their research, many conference presenters sought to engage presentation modes to provide stronger impact evidence.
The researchers in this project are collecting examples/exemplars of research published using creative modes of research dissemination.
Research Aims
- The research has a single aim to develop a repository of exemplars of research disseminated using creative/multi-modal modes of communication
Method of Research
- Co-operative inquiry
- Archival research
The research is in its early stages and has already identified exemplars of creative modes of research dissemination as well as a list of doctoral candidates exploring creative modes of research dissemination for their individual inquiries.
Application of Research
The Wordpress Blog created out of this co-operative inquiry will provide a resource for other researchers to examine the rationale used to justify creative modes of research dissemination.