Blog Article

The researchers in this project are actively and proactively exploring creative modes of research dissemination.
- Geof Hill
- Kate Thomas Carruthers
- Andrew Walsh
- Amanda French
- Juliette Gaunt
- Louise McKnight
- Stuart Mitchell
- Bally Kaur
- Joanne Thomas
- Clair Meares
- Rebecca Snape
In 2002 UNESCO’s redefined what counted as research to include performative work (OECD, 2002). The paradigm wars (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005) informed new ways of undertaking research and thus new ways of disseminating research. That debate generated broader research paradigm discussions within which was situated identification/nomination of a Performative Inquiry paradigm (Haseman, 2006). Similarly, the Performative turn was positioned within discussions surrounding Narrative inquiry (Peterson and Langellier, 2006).
In the context of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 that prompted researchers to focus on impact of their research, many conference presenters sought to engage presentation modes to provide stronger impact evidence.
The researchers in this project are actively and proactively exploring creative modes of research dissemination.
Research Aims
- To develop exemplars of performative inquiry.
- To seek opportunities for disseminating research using creative modes of communication
Method of Research
- Narrative Inquiry
- Practice-led Inquiry
- Action Inquiry
The collective have published collaborative art installations at three separate conferences.
- Coventry University Centre for Research Capability and Development event on ‘Disrupting Research Practices’on January 19th 2018.
- Birmingham City University C Sharr Conference on January 24th as the key note installation.
- The UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) seminar on creative Doctorates on February 16th 2018 at Curzon, Birmingham City University.
These publications have generated discussion about what counts as research and also advanced individual researchers in their personal research projects.
Application of Research
- Generate creative modes of research dissemination
- Contribute to the discourse surrounding multi-modal research dissemination and the broader question of what counts as research
- Create modes of dissemination for which the research impact can be evaluated