Blog Article

Developing a template to disseminate research in an engaging way.
- Geof Hill
- Dimitar Angelov
The area of multi-modal research dissemination has emerged in the context of the research quality framework as different researchers adopt creative modes of research dissemination. The justification for adopting a multi-modal option is an important element of both the methodological argument and the epistemological argument about how to disseminate the knowledge.
This study draws on Hill’s ‘cabaret’ research dissemination to develop a template to use for the range of exemplars.
Research Aims
- To develop a template for multi-modal research dissemination to thus collect examples of this aspect of research dissemination
Method of Research
- Co-operative practice led inquiry in the form of conversations between Hill and Angelov
- The study is developing a potential template for documenting examples/exemplars of creative modes of /multi-modal research dissemination.
- The study is also contributing to the discourse surrounding research dissemination and conference presentations
Application of Research
- Challenge the hegemony of conference presentation
- Improve the impact of research