Blog Article

DigiDoc vlogs highlight the experiences of lecturers working full-time whilst studying an EdDoc or PhD programme. They form part of the DigiDoc project's Knowledge Exchange phase which will support the development of an international 'digital doctorate'.
This DigiDoc vlog launches the first of a four-part series in which we hear from three students who are all working full-time whilst studying on an EdDoc or PhD programme. The vlogs form part of our ‘Knowledge Exchange’ across our DigiDoc partnership institutions and in each vlog we will hear from current students talking about different aspects of their experiences of working whilst studying for a doctorate.
In this first vlog, we hear from three students, two from Vietnam and one from the UK: Hanh, a nursing student from Nguyen Tat Thanh University; Lieu, an education student from Ho Chi Minh University of Education; and Rhiannon, an education student from Birmingham City University. Hanh, Lieu, and Rhiannon talk about their motivations and challenges of studying whilst working.
Watch this space for our next vlog, where students will explain how their research informs their work and vice versa.