Michal Krzyzanowski

Professor of Engineering and Materials Science
- Email:
- michal.krzyzanowski@bcu.ac.uk
- Phone:
- 0121 331 4173
After obtaining a degree in physics, Michal developed his academic career in materials science and engineering (PhD 1988; DSc 1996) and was appointed at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow (Poland). Since 1998, his research work was mainly associated with multidisciplinary Institute for Microstructural and Mechanical Process Engineering of the University of Sheffield (UK), where he worked for more than 15 years focusing on materials characterization and multiscale modelling.
He has been involved in a variety of research projects related mainly to through process modelling and optimization in thermomechanical processing and friction stir welding dealing with tribology and corrosion issues, heat transfer and stress-strain relationships, microstructure evolution and phase transformations. His current scientific interests include also processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic structures and development of physically based modelling methodologies for investigation of multiphysical phenomena in additive manufacturing.
He received the scientific title Professor of Engineering conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland in 2011, has served or is currently on many Faculty based and International Conference Scientific/Executive Committees and is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Materials and Mining, UK. Michal later joined Birmingham City University from AGH University of Science and Technology in 2016. He is co-author of over 150 publications including one book, research monograph and several book chapters.
Areas of Expertise
Research interests include interaction of materials science, applied mechanics, bio-engineering, chemical engineering and neuroscience to solve engineering problems using closely linked computer based modelling, experiment and industrial input.
In particular:
Additive manufacturing: studying the role of interaction of complex physical processes in optimisation of additive manufacturing of multi-layered materials;
Nanocrystallisation processes: development of new physically based multiscale modelling methodologies for characterization of the highly reactive contact interfaces in nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials;
Metal forming processes: complex co-operative relationship between oxide scale failure and microstructure development at micro- and nano- levels, scale related defects, fracture and surface finish aspects.
- DSc 1996 Materials Science & Processing, Computational Methods in Materials Science;
- PhD 1988 Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering;
- MSc, 1981 Physics (Hons);
- FIMMM – Fellow Member of the Institute of Materials and Mining, UK
- CEng - Chartered Engineer, UK
- TMS - Member of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, USA
- ESAFORM - Member of the European Scientific Association for Material Forming, France
- SITPH - Member of the Polish Association of Metallurgical Engineers and Technicians
- Materials and processes
- Manufacturing processes and advanced materials
- Advanced engineering analysis;
- Advanced materials
Recent projects include:
- Novel ultrafine-grained heterogeneous magnesium alloys with extraordinary combination of corrosion resistance, strength and ductility.
National Science Centre Poland (grant no. 2024/53/B/ST11/00799) – Principal Investigator - Characterization of highly reactive contact interfaces in processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic structures
National Science Centre Poland (grant no. DEC-2013/09/B/ST8/00141) – Principal Investigator - An innovative technology for manufacturing new generation profiles for construction industry for housing and industrial requirements
European Funds Smart Growth 2014-2020. The National Centre for Research and Development, Poland (POIR.01.02.00-00-0160/16) – Co Investigator - Development of physically based modelling methodologies for an investigation of multiphysical phenomena in additive manufacturing of biomedical materials
“Novel 3D coating of bioactive glass and metallic composites”, TSB Project No: 101480, EPSRC UK under grant EP/L505158/1 - completed - Modelling of transient temperature field and phase transformation change: a way for residual stress management in large size forgings
Supported by Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd (RD26) UK -
Tool life improvement in punching process
KTP Innovate UK research project 009540 with Brandauer & Co Ltd Birmingham, UK – Knowledge Base Academic at BCU – completed
Postgraduate Supervision
- Nikhil Thakur – PhD student, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK
Mohammad Rabbani – PhD student, Birmingham City University (successfully completed, 2018)
- Szymon Bajda – PhD student, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland;
- Jakub Sroka – PhD student, AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland) and part-time PhD student registered at the University of Sheffield (UK) supported by Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd. UK
Recent journal publications include:
- Bajda S., Cholewa-Kowalska K., Krzyzanowski M., Dziadek M., Kopyscianski M., Liu Y., Rai A., Laser-directed energy deposition of bioactive glass on Ti-6Al-7Nb titanium alloy substrate with highly refined grain structure, Surface and Coating Technology, Vol. 485, 15 June 2024, 130904. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2024.130904
- Svyetlichnyy D., Bajda S. and Krzyzanowski M.: An extended laser beam heating model for a numerical platform to simulate multimaterial selective laser melting, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 128, 2023, pp. 3451-3470. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00170-023-12138-x.
- Krzyzanowski M. and Svyetlichnyy D.: A multiphysics simulation approach to selective laser melting modelling based on cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann methods, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 9, 2022, pp. 117-133, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-021-00397-y
- Bajda S., Liu Y., Tosi R., Cholewa-Kowalska K., Krzyzanowski M., Dziadek M., Kopyscianski M., Dymek S., Polyakov A.V., Semenova I.P. and Tokarski T.: Laser cladding of bioactive glass coating on pure titanium substrate with highly refined grain structure, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 119, 2021, 104519, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104519
- Krzyzanowski M., Svyetlichnyy D., Bajda S.: Additive manufacturing of multi layered bioactive materials with improved mechanical properties: modelling aspects, Materials Science Forum, ISSN 0255-5476, vol. 1016, 2021, pp. 888-893, https://www-1scientific-1net-1mc29xjoc009c.wbg2.bg.agh.edu.pl/MSF.1016.888.pdf
- Bajda S., Krzyzanowski M.: Modelling aspects of laser cladding of bioactive glass coatings on ultrafine-grained titanium substrates, Computer Methods in Materials Science, quarterly / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza ; ISSN 1641-8581, Vol. 19, No 3, 2019, pp. 138-149.
- Svyetlichnyy D., Krzyzanowski M., Straka R., Lach L., Rainforth M.: Application of cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann methods for modelling of additive layer manufacturing, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow; ISSN 0961-5539, Vol. 28, No 1, 2018, pp. 31-46, https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-10-2016-041
Thakur N., Raju P., Krzyzanowski M. and Chinchapatnam P.: Logical Knowledge-based Advanced Cost Estimation Methodology (LKACEM) Applied to Metal Matrix Composite Aero-Engine Blisk, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 53-65.
- Bajda S., Dymek S., Krzyzanowski M., Retraint D., Majta J., Lisiecki L. and Kwiecien M.: Characterization of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials produced by the SMAT followed by constrained compression, Materials Characterization, Vol. 145, 2018, pp. 250-257. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1044580318310738
- Babu S.S.M., Berry S., Ward M. and Krzyzanowski M.: Numerical investigation of key stamping process parameters influencing tool life and wear, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 15, 2018, pp. 427-435. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S235197891830934X
Bajda S., Svyetlichnyy D., Retraint D. and Krzyzanowski M., Numerical modelling of grain refinement around highly reactive interfaces in processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials by duplex technique, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 96, Issue 5-8, 2018, pp. 2893-2905.
- Svyetlichnyy D., Krzyzanowski M., Straka R., Lach L. and Rainforth W.M., "Application of cellular automata and Lattice Boltzmann methods for modelling of additive layer manufacturing", International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 28 Issue: 1, 2018, pp.31-46.
- Bajda S., Ratuszek W., Krzyzanowski M. and Retraint D.: Inhomogeneity of plastic deformation in austenitic stainless steel after surface mechanical attrition treatment, Surface and Coating Technology, Vol. 329, 2017, 202-211.
- Thakur N., Raju P., Krzyzanowski M. and Chinchapatnam P.: Combined Life-Cycle Including Carbon Footprint for Composite Materials, Int. J. of Research in Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJRMET), Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2017, 157-161. http://www.ijrmet.com/VOL72/26-nikhil-thakur.pdf
- Kwiecien M., Lisiecki L., Bajda S., Majta J., Krzyzanowski M.: Metallic multilayered materials produced by constrained compression, Key Engineering Materials; ISSN 1013-9826. – 2016 vol. 716 Metal Forming 2016, s. 225-231 http://www-1scientific-1net-1atoz.wbg2.bg.agh.edu.pl/KEM.716.225.pdf
- Krzyzanowski M., Bajda S., Liu Y., Triantaphyllou A., Rainforth W.M. and Glendenning M.: 3D analysis of thermal and stress evolution during laser cladding of bioactive glass coatings, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2016.
- Sroka J., Talamantes-Silva J., Krzyzanowski M., Rainforth W.M.: Modelling of transient temperature field and phase transformation change: a way for residual stress management in large size forgings, Computer Methods in Materials Science, vol. 16 no 2, 2016, 87-96 – ISSN 1641-8581.
- Bajda S., Kwiecien M., Sroka J., Krzyzanowski M.: Nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials for structural applications: properties and processing, Hutnik Wiadomosci Hutnicze, 83 nr 2, 2016, 72-77 – ISSN 1230-3534.
- Bajda S., Krzyzanowski M., Kwiecien M., Majta J., Lisiecki L., Sroka J.: Towards processing of multilayered metallic materials – constrained compression testing, Computer Methods in Materials Science, vol 16 no 2, 2016, 76-86. –ISSN 1641-8581.
- Krzyzanowski M., Svyetlichnyy D., Stevenson G. and Rainforth W.M.: Powder bed generation in integrated modelling of additive layer manufacturing of orthopaedic implants, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-8491-x.
- Krzyzanowski M. and J.H. Beynon J.H.: Interfacial heat transfer during hot metal forming operations assuming scale failure effects, Materials Science and Technology, DOI 10.1179/1743284715Y.0000000125, 2015
- Bajda S., Krzyzanowski M., Muszka K. and Rainforth W.M.: Numerical analysis of highly reactive interfaces in processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials by using duplex techniques, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 277, 2015, 170-180
Publications in Conference Proceedings:
- Svyetlichnyy D., Bajda S., Krzyzanowski M.: Thermal interaction between a laser beam and powder bed in the multi-physical simulation of selective laser melting, International conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics ATE HEFAT 2021: virtual conference, 26–28 July 2021, HEFAT, 2021. — e-ISBN: 978-1-77592-216-2. — S. 2216–2221.
- Svyetlichnyy D., Krzyzanowski M., Lach L., Straka R.: Development of homogeneous numerical platform for 3D through process simulation of selective laser melting considering changes of aggregative states, 13th International Conference on Computational Heat Mass and Momentum Transfer ICCHMT2021, May 18-21, 2021, Paris, France. http://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/11515/1/Paper_ICCHMT2021-accepted.pdf
- Svyetlichnyy D., Krzyzanowski M.: Development of holistic homogeneous model of selective laser melting based on Lattice Boltzmann method: qualitative simulation, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2019, 23–28 September 2019, Rhodes, Greece, AIP Publishing, 2020. — (AIP Conference Proceedings ; ISSN 0094-243X ; vol. 2293). — e-ISBN: 978-0-7354-4025-8. — S. 420100-1–420100-4.
- Krzyzanowski M, Svyetlichnyy D., Bajda S.: Additive manufacturing of multi layered bioactive materials with improved mechanical properties: modelling aspects, International Conference on processing & manufacturing of advanced materials THERMEC 2020, Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications,May 31 - June 5, 2020, Austria Center, Vienna.
- Bajda S., Krzyzanowski M., Cholewa-Kowalska K., Dziadek M., Tokarski T.: Analysis of the porosity degree during laser-assisted cladding of bioactive glass on titanium substrates with highly refined grain structure, Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience : International Conference ANNIC 2019: Paris, November 18–20, 2019
- Bajda S., Liu Y., Krzyzanowski M., Dymek S.: Bioactive glass S520 laser cladding on ultrafine-grained pure titanium substrates, ESB 2019 annual conference of the European Society for Biomaterials: together with the 26 annual conference of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM) : 9–13 September 2019, Dresden, Germany.
- Bajda S., Krzyzanowski M., Sroka J., Witek S., Steczkowski P.: Analysis of the degree of crystallinity during laser cladding of bioactive glass coatings on ultrafine-grained metallic substrates, 1st international conference on Nanotechnologies and bionanoscience : 24-28 September 2018, Heraklion, Crete.
- Krzyzanowski M., Retraint D., Bajda S.: Interfacial Oxidation in Processing of Nanocrystallised Metallic Materials using Duplex Technique - Experimental and Modelling Aspects, European Oxide Scale Conference OXI’2018, 11 Dec 2018 - 12 Dec 2018, London, UK.
Babu S. Sh. M., Berry S., Ward M. and Krzyzanowski M.: Numerical investigation of key stamping process parameters influencing tool life and wear, 16-19 September 2018, Toyohashi, Japan.
Svyetlichnyy D. and Krzyzanowski M.: Energy transfer including solid-liquid phase transformation aspects in modelling of additive layer manufacturing using Lattice Boltzmann – Cellular Automata methods, XI Int. Conf. on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer ICCHMT 2018, 21-24 May 2018, Cracow.
- Bajda S., Palmer M., Krzyzanowski M.: Laser cladding of bioactive glass coating on metallic substrates with refined grain structure – computer modelling, 20-th Polish Conference on Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Krakow, September 20-22, 2017, Poland, ISBN: 978-83-948898-0-7.
- Sroka J., Krzyzanowski M.: Residual stresses in large size forgings, VI Polish Conference 2017, 15 September, 2017, Chorzow, Poland- ISBN: 978-83-62408-21-4. P.97
- Bajda S., Ratuszek W., Krzyzanowski M.: Non-homogeneous plastic deformation of austenitic stainless steel after surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT), VI Polish Conference 2017, 15 September, 2017, Chorzow, Poland- ISBN: 978-83-62408-21-4. P. 42.
- Lamentowicz H., Bajda S., Krzyzanowski M.: XLI Polish student conference on Innovation in Manufacturing and Technology, 1 June 2017, Czestochowa, Poland – ISSN 2391-6311, nr 10. – ISBN: 978-83-63989-52-1. P. 817-822.
- Bajda S., Mutingwende B., Krzyzanowski M.: Numerical analysis of thermal and stress evolution during laser cladding of bioactive glass coatings on ultrafine grained metallic substrates, XXVIII Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB): translational activities for exploiting research on biomaterials, September 4-8, 2017, Athens, Greece: book of abstracts (Flash drive)
- Svyetlichnyy D., Straka R., Lach L. and Krzyzanowski M.: Application of Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann methods for modelling of additive layer manufacturing, IX Int. Conf. on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer ICCHMT 2016, 23-26 May 2016, Cracow (Flash drive)
- Bajda S., Svyetlichnyy D., Retraint D. and Krzyzanowski M.: Modelling of grain refinement around highly reactive interfaces in processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials, Int. Conf. Applied Nanotechn. and Nanoscience ANNIC 2016, 9-11 Nov 2016, Barcelona (Flash drive)
- Majta J., Krzyzanowski M., Kwiecien M. and Bajda S.: Mechanical behaviour of precipitation strengthened nanostructured bulk materials produced by inhomogeneous severe plastic deformation, Int. Conf. Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience ANNIC 2016, 9-11 Nov 2016, Barcelona (Flash drive)
- Sroka J., Bajda S. and Krzyzanowski M.: Identification of scale failure parameters for low carbon steel oxides essential for hot rolling, 6th Int Conf. Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking STEELSIM 2016, 23-25 Sep 2015, Bardolino, Italy (Flash drive)
- Krzyzanowski M., Bajda S. and Rainforth W.M.: Interfacial oxidation in combined nanocrystallisation processes involving subsequent thermomechanical processing, 21st Int. Symp. on Plasticity and its Current Applications PLASTICITY ’15, 4-9 Jan 2015, Montego Bay, Jamaica, Printed in USA NEAT PRESS, Maryland, ISBN 978-0-9911654-8-3. (Flash drive)
- Krzyzanowski M., Bajda S. and Rainforth W.M.: Combining nanocrystallisation processes with a subsequent thermomechanical processing – interfacial oxidation, 2nd Int. Conf. of the Int. Journal of Structural Integrity, 1-4 Sep 2014, Funchal, Portugal, INEGI/FEUP. (Flash drive)
- Krzyzanowski M. and Rainforth W.M.: Modelling oxide failure in highly reactive nanocrystallised multi-layered metal structures during thermomechanical processing, An Int Workshop on the Mechanical Behavior of Nanoscale Multilayers MULTILAYERS ’13, 1-4 Oct 2013, Madrid, Spain. (Flash drive)
Books and Book Chapters:
- Krzyzanowski M., Majta J., Muszka K., Slezak M. and Randman D.: Towards Improvement of Formability of Magnesium Alloys, in Thoughts and Reflections on the use of Magnesium (eds. Gareth B. Neighbour and Ilias Oraifige), Belmont Press, Birmingham City University, 2017, 44-52.
http://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/5135/ - M.Krzyzanowski, J.H.Beynon, D.C.J.Farrugia, Oxide Scale Behaviour in High Temperature Metal Processing, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2010.
- M.Krzyzanowski, J.H.Beynon, Interface Effects for Deformation Processes, Chapter in ASM Handbook, Volume 22A: Fundamentals of Modelling for Metal Processing, D.U.Furrer and S.L.Semiatin, editors, 2009, 127-143
- M.Krzyzanowski and J.H.Beynon, Oxide behaviour in hot rolling, Chapter in Oxide Behaviour in Hot Rolling, in Metal Forming Science and Practice (Ed. J.G. Lenard), Elsevier, 2002, pp. 259-295 https://www.elsevier.com/books/metal-forming-science-and-practice/lenard/978-0-08-044024-8
- Bajda S., Svyetlichnyy D., Retraint D. and Krzyzanowski M., (2018) Numerical modelling of grain refinement around highly reactive interfaces in processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials by duplex technique, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-018-1795-2; (accepted)
- Svyetlichnyy D., Krzyzanowski M., Straka R., Lach L. and Rainforth W.M., (2018) "Application of cellular automata and Lattice Boltzmann methods for modelling of additive layer manufacturing", International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 28 Issue: 1, pp.31-46,
Work With Industry
Collaboration with Brandauer & Co Ltd Birmingham, UK within a frame of Innovate UK project.
Recent collaboration with the following institutions working on TSB Project at the University of Sheffield “Novel 3D coating of bioactive glass and metallic composites”:
- MTC Ltd UK (Manufacturing Technology Centre) – the centre develops and proves innovative manufacturing processes operating some of the most advanced manufacturing equipment in the world;
- GTS Ltd UK (Glass Technology Services) – a centre for glass research and development and unrivalled in the UK for its glass expertise;
- JRI Orthopaedics Ltd – a British world-class manufacturer of orthopaedic implants and surgical instrumentation
Research activities for the last years were also closely linked to the Institute for Microstructural and Mechanical Process Engineering The University of Sheffield (IMMPETUS) - a multidisciplinary research institute of the University of Sheffield well known for its strong research promotion that provided a solid basis for addressing challenges facing our industrial partners, among of them are:
- Siemens VAI plc;
- Timet UK Limited;
- Tata Steel Europe;
- Converteam Ltd;
- Novelis Technology AG;
- Sheffield Forgmasters Engineering Ltd.;
- Outokumpu Stainless;
- Niobium Products Company GmbH;
- TWI Ltd;
- Firth Rixson plc.