Blog Article

Putting in place a cross-sectoral and cross-technological initiative at European level to increase integration between production and distribution proposing research and innovation priorities for the future of supply chain.
- Dr Dimitra Kalaitzi
- Dr Aristides Matopoulos
- Dr Victoria Muerza
- Ms Rosanna Fornasiero
- Dr Ana Cristina Barros
- Mr Luk Aerts
- Dr Saskia Sardesai
- Ms Carolina Cipres
- Dr Vasco Amorim
- Mr Denis Daus
- Miss Evanthia Thanou
- Ms Irene Marchiori
Research background
The project was funded by European Commission to Aston University, the project lead. The aim of the project is to put in place a cross-sectoral and cross-technological initiative at European level to increase integration between production and distribution proposing research and innovation priorities for the future of supply chain. Megatrends and trends i.e. scarcity of resources, acceleration of the technological development are creating the urgent need for companies to significantly adapt their supply chains and identify threats and opportunities In this project future industrial scenarios for 2050 were identified and a strategic research agenda and a joint action plan on broader innovation policy were developed.
Research aims
- To identify industrial scenarios for 2030 based on PESTLE analysis and the way they may impact in SCs in order to define how future SCs could be designed
- To develop the Strategic Research Agenda for the SC of the future
- To develop an action plan by identifying research priorities of the Strategic Research Agenda.
How has the research being carried out?
- Wildcards, science fiction, scenario writing
- Workshops, multi-criteria methods, stakeholder analysis
- Literature review, scanning, benchmarking.
- Gausemeier approach for scenario building : expert panel, quantitative scenarios Delphi and road mapping.
Research outcomes
Two conference papers have been presented, one at the Logistics Research Network Confernece and another at the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics. A book is also being prepared for publication.
More information can be found here.