The School of English is a thriving research community that covers a broad range of areas, including literature, linguistics, creative writing and drama studies.
In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), 77 per cent of our research was rated as either 'world-leading' (4*) or 'internationally excellent' (3*). The REF panel judged 100 per cent of our impact beyond academia to be either 'outstanding' (4*) or 'very considerable' (3*), and ranked us in the top 20 English departments nationally for proportion of research outputs (books, articles, and software) at 3* or 4* level.
We offer PhD studentships through STEAM Scholarships and the Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership. These studentships cover the full cost of fees for the doctoral programme and a full-time student stipend for living expenses.
Our work is grouped into the following areas:
Research and Development Unit for English Studie
The Research and Development Unit for English Studies (RDUES) was established in 1989 and has carried out fundamental and applied research in corpus linguistics, developing new descriptions of the language in use and tools for the extraction and management of knowledge in databases.