Blog Article

Delivering innovations in dignified, sustainable care systems for older people, including new care models and digital applications.
The project lead is Kathleen Galvin, Professor of Nursing Practice at the University of Brighton. Also contributing are professionals from Bournemouth University (UK), Linnaeus University, University of Boras (Sweden), Aalborg University, Aarhus University (Denmark), Nord University (Norway) and University of Ioannina (Greece).
This project has received funding from the European’ Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under MSCA-ITN-2018 under grant agreement No 813928.
INNOVATEDIGNITY is a trans-national network that aims to deliver a shared, world-leading research and training programme to educate the next generation of thought leaders with the necessary research experience and transferable skills to deliver innovations in dignified, sustainable care systems for older people, including new care models and digital applications. INNOVATEDIGNITY’s research examines older peoples' perspectives of care systems with a specific focus on dignity, investigates the potential for digital applications, and analyses gender issues to provide crucial, urgently needed knowledge for sustainable and fit for purpose care that supports older people to live well.
What is the aim of this research?
We aim to:
- Critically evaluate existing care systems and provide analyses that make use of older persons’ insights.
- Examine and offer a range of conceptual, empirical and methodological conditions to develop new innovations, including digital technology that offer dignity in care.
- Provide an analysis of impacts of new care models on the wellbeing of older people.
- Critically examine impacts of gender on care delivery, on the leadership of caring and science careers, and the care workforce with insights for sustainability.
How is this research being carried out?
The project aims will be met through fifteen PhD projects, interlinked with a series of integrated assignments, and supported by a coherent interdisciplinary training.
INNOVATEDIGNITY has now been formally launched with a meeting of partners and beneficiaries at the University of Boras, Sweden. All primary investigators are registered nurses.