Optimising medicines related care for older people living with long term conditions


An elderly patient having his medication adjusted in hospital.

When changes are made to older patients' medicines during hospital admission, challenges can arise. Judith Dyson and other health researchers aimed to explore older patients' experiences and co-design more efficient strategies.


  • Judith Dyson
  • Justine Tomlinson
  • Alison Blenkinsop
  • Jon Silcock
  • Kate Karban
  • Heather Smith
  • Beth Fylan
  • Sally Bower
  • Sarah Humphrey 

Research background

Many changes are made to older patients’ medicines during hospital admission.  This can sometimes cause confusion and anxiety and therefore problems, for example medicines taken incorrectly.  This can lead to harm and hospital readmission. 

Research aims

To explore the experiences of older patients and their carers experience of managing post discharge medicines and co-design (with patients and health care practitioners) strategies to optimise post-discharge care. 

How has the research been carried out?

We recruited patient participants who were aged over 75 years during their admission to one of two large teaching hospitals in the North of England.  We conducted semi-structured interviews in participants’ homes after hospital discharge.  Data analysis used the Framework method. 

Outcomes and impact

Twenty-seven participants aged 75 plus, with long-term conditions and polypharmacy, and nine family carers, were interviewed.  Participants faced significant disruptions to their medicines knowledge and capabilities whilst in hospital, which impacted on their management abilities once home.

They perceived gaps in their onward care, which some participants were able to mitigate against by developing their own strategies to support medication safety.

Our ongoing work involves developing strategies to maximise the opportunities exist to involve and engage older patients living with frailty during their hospital stay and in the post-discharge period, to ensure effective medicines management.