Blog Article
In response to the introduction of nationwide Menstrual Health Education (MHE) in the UK, BCU researchers are investigating how to best provide an effective MHE curriculum and free menstrual products within secondary schools.
- Gemma Williams (Project Lead)
- Annalise Weckesser
- Angela Hewett
- Amie Randhawa
Research background
From 2020, menstrual health education will be compulsory in English schools. There is little research on how best to deliver such a curriculum. This project addresses this evidence gap, uniting CSCHaRR’s research-based evidence around menstrual health and teen participatory research with Homeless Period Wolverhampton’s practice-based knowledge of delivering MHE and providing menstrual products in secondary schools.
Research aims
The project explores how best to deliver MHE and provide access to free menstrual products, within secondary schools.
Research methods
The project uses a participatory, mixed-methods approach, with findings set to generate immediate impact; shaping MHE in schools in Wolverhampton with scope for adoption across the West Midlands.
The study is ongoing, but the intended outcomes are to discern how best to deliver menstrual health education within secondary schools, and how to distribute free menstrual products to those that need them.