Research projects
Plan UK Menstruation: Let’s talk. Period
This project aims to combat period poverty my researching and producing resources that advance knowledge in the mens...
DEAREST: Co-creating healthy ageing in a Northern City
The aim of this research was to undertake a co-creation study with older people living in a northern city in the Unite...
Helping older people and their informal carers to prevent pressure ulcers in community settings
This project is implementing and evaluating a co-designed, tailored intervention to support pressure ulcer prevention b...
Preventing recurrence of endometriosis by means of long-acting progestogen therapy
Endometriosis is a painful condition and many sufferers require surgery to remove areas of endometriosis in order to...
Reducing endometriosis and preventing sepsis at caesarean section
This project assessed the feasibility of introducing new procedures in routine caesarean sections, which may reduce th...
AlCohol HArM PreventIOn iN pregnancy (CHAMPION)
The aim of this research is to co-design a theoretically informed intervention to support midwives in implementing an a...
Barriers to Return of Home Sampling Kits for Sexually Transmitted Infections Requested Online: A Qualitative Study
Exploring the factors behind falling rates of STI home test kit returns in Birmingham and Solihull.
Military Mental Health
This project aims to co-design a leader mediated intervention to prevent poor Mental Health in serving, regular and res...
Inclusivity within ‘femtech’: Period tracking apps and chronic health conditions
Birmingham City University researchers are embarking on a project to increase inclusivity in femtech apps by analysing...
The parental experience of receiving the diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder
The aim of this research is to explore the experiences of parents/caregivers about the receipt of a DLD diagnosis for ...
Period Dramas: what works within menstrual health education?
In response to the introduction of nationwide Menstrual Health Education (MHE) in the UK, BCU researchers are investig...
Asthma inhaler treatment, practitioners’ and patients’ views
The aim of this research is to identify barriers and facilitators to initiation and persistence of “combination” inhal...
Mission ICU
The aim of this project is to develop a theory-based instrument to identify barriers and facilitators to optimal manag...
Develop and implement a mortality risk score into acute medical ward in the UK
The aim of this research is to develop and implement a mortality risk score into acute medical ward in the UK.
Exploration of the concept of clinical academic careers in general practice nursing
Health professionals involved in academia are essential, but understaffed. This project aims to unravel why such a vit...