Radiography mindlines: An ethnographic study of professional knowledge sharing in a diagnostic radiography clinical learning environment.

Blog Article


  • Kirsty Patel
  • Tom Hopkins
  • Fiona Cowdell
  • Louise McKnight

Project Aim

To explore how professional knowledge is shared, accessed, and created between undergraduate diagnostic radiography students and clinical staff in a clinical learning environment, through the lens of clinical mind lines.

This project aims to explore how knowledge is created, shared, and accessed in a diagnostic radiography clinical learning environment between clinical staff and students. It is underpinned by the theory of clinical mindlines, which will allow the researcher to understand the social, cultural, and organisational factors that may facilitate or hinder the multi-directional flow of knowledge. The study seeks to identify these processes to promote evidence-based practice and the integration of new knowledge in radiography practice. Funder: Birmingham City University

Patel, K. (2023) Introducing clinical mindlines: A discussion of professional knowledge sharing in clinical radiography education, Radiology. 29(3) pp.577-581

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