Blog Article

Examining the transitional relationship between British and Dutch pornography to contribute to debates around the history of the porn industry and hidden enterprise cultures.
Research background
This project explores the transnational development of the British pornography business. Many histories of the adult entertainment business tend to identify Scandinavia as being the pioneers of hardcore pornographic production. However, previous research (Carter, 2018) discovered that Britain had an established economy of hardcore production prior to the legalisation of pornography in other European countries, despite the distribution of pornography in the United Kingdom being outlawed. This economy supplied films to Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands through informal channels, and contributed to the development of hardcore production in these countries.
Research aims
The objectives for this research project are to:
- Collaborate with academics, archivists, industry, and audiences to produce primary research.
- Examine the transnational relationship between the British, Danish, Swedish and Dutch pornography businesses.
- Consider the technological, political, economic and legal frameworks affecting the production and distribution of hardcore pornography between Britain, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands.
- Contribute to discussions around histories of the pornography business and wider debates around hidden enterprise cultures.
Research methods
The purpose of this project is to extend the research I have already conducted into British hardcore through connecting with other scholars and experts based in Europe to further explore this relationship. Funding is sought to support primary research trips to Amsterdam and Scandinavia to engage with archives, scholars and industry through a series of exploratory events.
Research outcomes
Research obtained during the course of the project will be published in a forthcoming special edition of the journal Porn Studies, co-edited by Dr Oliver Carter of BCU, Professor Tommy Gustaffson, and Professor Mariah Larsson; both of Linneaus University.