Research projects

Learn more about our research projects across our nine clusters or view our archives for our completed or past projects. 

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Gaming Global

Funded by the British Council, the Game Cultures research cluster worked with game makers, artists and policy makers t...

Voices of War and Peace

BCU took part in the collaborative Voices of War and Peace project, specifically investigating the contribution of blac...


Researchers in the Media and Place research cluster critically evaluated the smARTplaces project, which enabled cultur...

Conflict, Memory and Displacement

Examining the relationship between conflict, memory and displacement surrounding  global conflicts in the UK and Ital...

The Transnational Trade in Hardcore Pornography

Examining the transitional relationship between British and Dutch pornography to contribute to debates around the hist...

Punkt Birmingham 2020

Working with innovative Norwegian festival Punkt to create new artistic outputs and forge exciting interdisciplinary c...

Riffs - Experimental Writing on Popular Music

Riffs: Experimental Writing On Popular Music is a journal producing popular music research through a variety of medium...

Pebble Mill oral history project

Aiming to preserve a piece of important media history, Dr Vanessa Jackson conducted a series of interviews with staff ...

USE-IT! - Unlocking Social and Economic Innovation Together

BCU researchers supported the USE-IT project, an initiative aimed at improving urban development and solving social an...

Craft Expertise

Dr Karen Patel has highlighted the extent of racism and microaggressions in UK professional craft and is working with o...

Everyday Jazz Life

Investigating the challenges faced by a generation of musicians in today's society as they negotiate life with music. ...


As the way people consume music continues to change, the Harkive project investigates how people's experiences are evo...

40 Years on Gender Equality: exploring the role of arts and culture in local politics

This research introduces the work and activism of Birmingham-based women in the mid-1980s. The project includes an exhi...

Media, community and the creative citizen

Exploring the use of digital media by individuals and communities, and how these technologies are being utilised to en...

Cultural Landscapes

Seeking to explore data visualisation as a  methodology for supporting cultural organisations who seek to address inequ...