
Nursing and Midwifery

What is C-SHaRR?

The Centre for Social Care, Health and Related Research (C-SCHaRR) is a community of health and social care professionals, scholars and students who work together to identify, examine and implement evidence-based high-quality health and social care. Our work is informed and guided through service user’s attitudes, beliefs and experiences and more importantly their involvement in our research through the processes of co-design, co-creation and co-production.

Centre for Social Care, Health and Related Research

The overarching aim of C-SCHaRR is the production of world-class research to addresses current health and social care priorities, with the objective of impacting positively and making a real difference to the quality of health and social care provided. Our work aligns locally with our National Health Service and Department of Health and Social Care. 

Health tile research

Global Partnerships for Health

The ‘Global Partnerships for Health’ hub is a virtual community of practice linking healthcare staff from research, education and practice. Find out more about current projects here. 

PhD Opportunities

We are making major investments in growing the quality and volume of research. Read more about PhD opportunities in nursing and midwifery. 

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