BCU Open Access

Open Access is concerned with making the products of research (outputs) freely accessible and available to all. This allows research to be disseminated quickly and widely, and results in an increased use and understanding of research by businesses, government, charities and the wider public.

The open access repository is a commitment to shared knowledge and the ambition to create real-world impact.

Our Open Access Repository contains all research and enterprise output by University staff. 

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Open Access and REF

Research England’s Guidance on submission (2019/01) sets out the framework for assessment in REF2021. The open access policy applies to journal articles and conference contributions (with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)) which are accepted for publication from 1 April 2016 and published on or before 31 December 2020. It requires these research outputs to be made open access for those outputs to be eligible for submission in REF 2021. The output must have been deposited as soon after the point of acceptance as possible, and no later than three months after this date. The output must have been deposited as the author’s accepted manuscript.

Please refer to the Open Access Policy for more information.

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