Craig Jackson
As Professor of Occupational Health Psychology, Craig is interested in the effect of workplaces and working on people’s health and psychological wellbeing. He also increasingly researches the relationship between work and crime – particularly how offenders use their occupations to facilitate offending behaviours and this has led to an increase in research using statistical techniques such as multidimensional scaling of offence behaviours.
Craig contributed to both of the leading UK textbooks on occupational health and many Health and Safety Executive reports.
Specific interests include unusual occupations, work-related suicide, technology change, pesticide exposures, working hours, stress, research techniques, neurobehavioural methods and psychological assessments.
Craig is Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (University of Birmingham); Former Research Director of an independent health research consultancy; and a Member of the ESRC Peer Review College. He is also a former Associate editor of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (a BMJ journal); Vice-Chair of various NHS Local Research Ethics Committees, and former editor in Chief of the International Journal of Rural Psychology.
Areas of Expertise
- Workplace issues
- Investigative psychology
- Workplace violence
- Ill-health in workforces
- Health surveillance
- Deviance and psychopathology in the workplace
- Working hours/shift workers
- Geographical profiling
- Stress/stressful life events
- Psychological assessments
- Unusual occupations
- Dirty jobs
- Survey research design
- Mass killing
- Psychology of creativity an art theory
- BSc (Hons) Psychology
- MSc Psychology
- PhD Occupational Mental Health
- Member - Society of Occupational Medicine
- Associate Fellow (AFBPsS) - British Psychological Society
- Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) - British Psychological Society
- BSc Psychology
- BSc Psychology & Criminology
- BSc Psychology & Sociology
- BA Criminology
- BSc Professional Policing
- MA Criminology
- Grad Dip Psychology
- MSc Forensic Psychology
- Post Graduate PhD Research Methods Training
- MA Criminology
- MSc Radiography
Currently interested in the following research areas:
- Workplace health and wellbeing
- Characteristics of workplace mass shooters
- Student workability
- Accidents and injuries in thoroughbred racing
- Suicide in the construction industry
- Violence prevention in the workplace
- Use of police dogs / force in modern policing
- Tattoos within the workplace
Postgraduate Supervision
Craig is currently supervising four students (DoS for three) and one DBa student (DoS).
Journal articles (most recent first)
Tallis-Foster S., Jackson CA. From the Manchester bee to the Pompey dot: the psychology of regional tattoos. The Conversation, 17th May. 2023
Jackson CA & Robinson L. Workplace killers: people kill their colleagues for different reasons than other shooters. The Conversation. Nov 28. 2022
Jackson CA. Why do so many people watch porn at work? A psychologist explains. The Conversation. May 9. 2022
Jackson CA. Psychosocial Hazards. In Sadhra, S et al. (eds) Oxford Handbook of Occupational Health, 3rd edition. Oxford. Oxford University Press; 2022. 167-179.
Jackson CA. Utøya massacre 10 years on: what has changed in Norway? The Conversation. Jul 22. 2021
Jackson CA. Coronavirus and Obsessive-Type Conditions. The Psychologist. Mar 17. 2020
Ewen, C., Jenkins, H., Jackson C., Jutley-Neilson, J., Galvin, J. Well-being, job satisfaction, stress and burnout in speech-language pathologists: A review. International Journal of
Speech-Language Pathology. May 2020.
Jackson CA. Is this the end for academic conferences? University Business. Jul 28. 2020
Jackson CA. Mass shootings in the US have risen sharply in 2020 – why? The Conversation. Nov 27. 2020
Jackson CA. Stalking, Harassment and the Workplace. In Treadwell J & Lynes A (eds) Fifty facts everyone should know about crime and punishment in Britain. Bristol University
Press. 2019. 246-251.
Jackson CA. Psychology of why some people are deliberately spitting, coughing and licking food in supermarkets. The Conversation. Apr 29. 2020
Walker, EJ. Egan, HH. Jackson, CA. Tonkin M. Work-Life and Well-Being in UK Therapeutic Prison Officers: A Thematic Analysis. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. June 2018. (PDF).
Keyte, R., Egan, H., Jackson, CA., Nash, E., Regan, A., & Mantzios, M. (2018). A weekend/weekday comparison in adherence to daily treatment regimens for adults with cystic fibrosis. Health Psychology Report, Dec 2017: 1-12 (PDF)
Keyte R. Egan HH. Mantzios M. Jackson CA. Paediatric cystic fibrosis patients' attitudes and beliefs regarding risky health behaviours. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2017:16(1): 39-40.(PDF)
Keyte, R., Egan, H. H., Mantzios, M., & Jackson, C. (2017). EPS2. 4 Paediatric cystic fibrosis patients' attitudes and beliefs regarding risky health behaviours. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 16, S39-S40.
Keyte, R. C., Egan, H., Mantzios, M., & Jackson, C. (2016). An investigation into risky health behaviours within adult cystic fibrosis patients. Pediatric Pulmonology 51 (S45), S194–S485.
Egan HH., Mantzios, M. Jackson, CA Health practitioners and the directive towards compassionate healthcare in the UK: exploring the need to educate health practitioners on how to be self-compassionate and mindful alongside mandating compassion towards patients. Health Professional Education, 2016; 1-3 (PDF)
Walker EJ. Jackson CA. Egan HH. Tonkin M. Workability and mental well-being among therapeutic prison officers. Occup Medicine, 2015:65(5): (PDF).
Jackson CA. Managing the effects of workplace stalking and harassment. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2015.
Jackson CA. The Chalder Fatigue Scale (CFQ11). Occup Medicine, 2015:65(1): 86 (PDF)
Jackson CA. Wilson D. The Gender-Neutral Timed Obstacle Course: a valid test of police fitness? Occup Medicine, 2013:63 (7): 479-484 (PDF)
Jackson CA. Using Social Media to Promote Good Health. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013; 173: 1-3. (PDF)
Jackson CA. The use of Clinical Hypnosis in Health and Safety. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013; 172: 1-3. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Can the Arts be used in Occupational Health and Safety? Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013; 171: 1-3. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Behavioural nudge theory: A tool to improve safety behaviour. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013.169: 1-3 (PDF)
Jackson CA. Diversity and Occupational Health. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013; 164: 1-3 (PDF)
Jackson CA. Psychometric testing: getting the right person for the job. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Extreme tiredness and fatigue management (part 1). Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013.1-3 (PDF)
Jackson CA. Extreme tiredness and fatigue management (part 2). Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013. 1-3 (PDF)
Jackson CA. Does workplace counselling actually work? Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2013; 170: 1-3 (PDF)
Lynes A, Wilson D, Jackson CA. Zola and the Serial Killer: Robert Black and La Bête Humaine. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2012; 1(1): 69-80. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Psychometric testing in the workplace. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2012; 164: 2-6.
Filby M, Jackson CA, Turner M. Only Falls and Horses? Accidents and Injuries in the Horseracing Industry. Occup Medicine, 2012; 63(5): 343-349. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Extreme Tiredness and Fatigue Management. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2012; 160: 4-8. (PDF)
Crawford J, MacCalman L, Jackson CA. In Depth Review: The Health and Wellbeing of Remote and Mobile Workers. Occup Medicine, 2011; 61: 385-394. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Ethics in Occupational Health Practise. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2011; 157: 3-8. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Counterblast: New Work Opportunities for Prisoners; Farmer's Lung, Fettler's Wrist, or Baker's Hands. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 2011; 50:(4): 419-421. (PDF)
Jackson CA, Wilson D, Kaur-Rana B. The usefulness of criminal profiling. Criminal Justice Matters, 2011; 84: 6-7. (PDF)
Alnababtah KM, Davies P, Jackson CA, Ashford RL, Filby M. A retrospective study of burn injuries among children from a Region-wide paediatric burns unit. Brit Journal of Nursing, 2011; 20(3): 156-162. (PDF)
Wilson D, Jackson CA, Kaur-Rana B. Against the Medical-Psychological Tradition of Understanding Serial Killing by Studying the Killers. Amicus Journal, 2010; 22: 8-16. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Understanding Occupational Epidemiology. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2010; 146: 3-8.
Sparkes E, Raphael JH, Duarte RV, LeMarchand K, Jackson CA, Ashford RL. A systematic literature review of psychological characteristics as determinants of outcome for spinal cord stimulation therapy. Pain 2010; 150(2): 284-289.(PDF)
Finnegan AP, Finnegan SE, Jackson CA, Simpson R, Ashford R. Predisposing factors & associated symptomatology of British Army Personnel requiring a mental health assessment. J R Army Med Corps 2010; 156(2): 90-96.(PDF)
Jackson CA. Health & Safety Considerations for Working with Offenders. Health and Safety Management, 2010; 196: 4-7. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Behavioural Driver Safety: part 2. Health and Safety Briefing, 2010; 418: 3-5. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Behavioural Driver Safety: part 1. Health and Safety Briefing, 2010; 417: 4-5. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Remote and Isolated Working. Health and Safety Briefing, 2010; 415: 4-5. (PDF)
Jackson CA, Rana BK. Workplace Health Promotion. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2010; 152: 4-8.
Jackson CA. The Life Events Inventory - Comment. Occup Medicine 2009; 59: 208.
Jackson CA. Workplace obesity. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2008; 131: 3-8.
Jackson CA. Management of working hours in laboratories Laboratory Manager 2008; 130: 6-8.
Alalami UA, Cooper RG, Jackson CA, Hu B, Ejtehadi H, Ashford R. A preliminary study and proposed methodology: Utilisation of pervasive computing (NeXus-4) and questionnaires to determine selected physiological and psychological parameters in participants working at a Higher Education Institute in the UK. Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2008; 2: 768-771.
Jackson CA. Work-Related Suicide. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2008; 126: 2-8.
Jackson CA, Christensen K. Power Nap: a preventive measure in shift work? Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2008; 124: 3-8
Bio FY, Sadhra S, Jackson CA, Burge PS. Respiratory Symptoms and Lung Function Impairment in Underground Gold Miners in Ghana. Ghana Med J. 2007; 41(2): 38–47. (PDF)
Cooper RG, Alalami UA, Jackson CA, Stevens K, Jutla J, Khan S, Ashford R. Proposed study - a trial and indicative health status determination of participants working in institutions of higher learning in Birmingham and the West Midlands using the NeXus-4 physiological monitoring system. Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2007; 2: 251-255.
Bio FY, Sadhra S, Jackson CA, Burge PS. Low Back Pain in Underground Gold Miners in Ghana. Ghana Med J. 2007; 41(1): 21–25. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Implementing smoke-free legislation in England. Risk Assessment 2007; 117: 3-8.
Jackson CA, Egan HH. The wellbeing of New and Expectant Mothers in the workplace. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2007; 116: 3-8.
Jackson CA. The General Health Questionnaire - Comment. Occup Medicine 2007; 57(1): 79 (PDF)
Jackson CA, Crawford JO. Isolated and Remote Working. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2006; 112:
Bio FY, Sadhra S, Jackson CA, Burge PS. Respirable dust exposure in underground gold miners at Obuasi in Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology 2006; 26(1): 14-21.
Jackson CA, Earl L. Prevalence of Fatigue among Commercial Pilots. Occup Medicine 2006; 56(4): 263-268. (PDF)
Campbell C., Jackson CA. Occupational Voice Disorders. Croner Health and Safety at Work Special Report 2006; 107: 4-8.
Jackson CA, Wilson, DA. World at work: Hospital Pharmacy Cleanrooms. Occ Env Med 2006; 63(1): 68-70. (PDF)
South F, Jackson CA. Smoking, Alcohol and Obesity debated at IOEM Workshop. Occupational Health Review 2006; 119: 15-16.
Bio FY, Sadhra S, Jackson CA, Burge PS. Pulmonary function prediction equations of male gold miners in Ghana. Cent Afr J Med.2005 Jul-Aug;51(7-8):67-71.
Jackson CA. Evaluating advisory services. Occupational Health Review 2004; 110: 29-31.
Jackson CA. Complementary Occupational Hygiene Questionnaires. Occupational Hygiene 2004; 45: 13-18.
Jackson CA. Improving the well-being of manual cleaners. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2003; 84.
Jackson CA. Analyzing Statistical Data in Occupational Health Research. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2003; 81.
Jackson CA. Questionnaires in Occupational Health Research. Management of Health Risks Special Report, 2003; 80.
Jackson CA, Spurgeon A, Gardner K. Mental Health and Fatigue of Sheep Farmers Exposed to Organophosphate Pesticides. International Journal of Rural Psychology, 2003; 4(13):
Jackson CA. Planning Health and Safety Research Projects. Croner Health and Safety at Work Special Report 2002; 62: 1-16.
Sadhra S, Jackson CA, Ryder TJ, Brown MJ. Noise levels and hearing loss amongst student employees in a university guild: a pilot study. Annals of Occup Hygiene 2002; 46: 455-463. (PDF)
Mawle SE, Jackson CA. An investigation of ear trauma in divers, including ear barotrauma and ear infection. European Journal of Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine 2002; 3(2): 47-50. (PDF)
Jackson CA. Working hours and shifts in the petrochemical and gas industries: a review. Occupational Hygiene 2002; 34: 13-17.
Spurgeon A, Jackson CA. Mental Health and neuropsychological performance of ex-patriate workers on extended twelve hour shifts in a desert-based oil field. Neurotoxicology 2002; 21(5): 905.
Jackson CA. Organophosphates. Occup Hygiene 2001; 31: 15-20.
Spurgeon A, Jackson, CA, Beach, JR. The Life Events Inventory: Re-scaling based on an Occupational Sample. Occup Medicine 2001; 51(4): 287-93. (PDF)
Lewis C, Brown M, Jackson C, Theobold J. Hearing tests in a residential unit for learning disabled people. Lancaster and Westmorland Medical Journal 1996; 2(9): 308-311.
Media Work
Craig has provided psychology input and interviews to over 50 TV documentaries in the UK and abroad, as well as countless news items about offending, crime, and general psychology. He was also the scientific consultant for two series of “killing Spree” – a major Channel 5 documentary.
He has also contributed to newspapers, television and radio. He has acted as consultant to many companies and organisations including Shell, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Rolls Royce, NHS, Jacob-Fleming and Marcus Evans. He appears regularly in the media discussing the psychology behind a wide range of news stories such as stress, crime, health issues, lifestyle, and ethics.
Craig has made regular appearances in news media (print, broadcast, radio and TV) regarding psychological and workplace health stories, crime and news. He is a regular contributor and advisor to BBC TV, BBC online and Radio, ITV, SKY news, Channel 5. In 2023 Jackson was interviewed for at least thirty programmes / publications across various media: radio, TV, newspapers, online articles and podcasts.
Work With Industry
Craig has worked on many consultancy projects and knowledge exchange, typically in the role of academic researcher and subsequently advisor, and these have been secured mostly through invitation, with some occasionally secured through bidding. Between 1997 and 2010 Jackson was principal / lead investigator on seven research projects for the UK HSE and private industry.