Alexandros Drymonitis

Alexandros Drymonitis is a sound and new media artist. He is an MMus graduate of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam where he studied the guitar and composition. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Birmingham City University.

His artistic practice focuses on new techniques utilizing new media such as computer programming, AI, or even older practices, like modular synthesis. He has collaborated with various artists from different art disciplines, plus several ensembles, either interdisciplinary or music ensembles.

He has taught the guitar at the Music School of Amsterdam and ‘Philippos Nakas’ Conservatory in Athens, and electronic music programming at ‘Musical Praxis’ Conservatory in Athens. He is currently a freelancer in the field of electronic music and multimedia programming, teaching several workshops in various venues and undertaking multimedia programming in various events.

He is the author of the book ‘Digital Electronics for Musicians’, published by Apress.

Current Activity
Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
Links and Social Media