Joanne Berry-Frith
"Over the last six years, I have been conducting doctoral research its roots collaboration of over 10 years with the School of Life Sciences, Nottingham University and their project Advanced imaging and Microscopy. This led to further collaborations with a wider network of internationally renowned core imaging laboratories in the field of bioscience. The three case-studies from this investigation are:
- COMPARE, The Cell Signalling and Pharmacology Group and a minor study at the Molecular and the Cellular Biology Group, School of Life Sciences, Queens Medical School, University of Nottingham;
- Core Research Laboratories Imaging and Analysis Centre, Natural History Museum (NHM), London;
- The Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI) Sahlgrenska Academy Gothenburg University, Chalmers University and the Biofilms, Research Centre for Bio-interfaces, Malmo University.
As well as conducting practice-based research I exhibit regularly throughout the Country and Internationally with pieces in the Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A), Arts Council England (ACE) Collections, Nottingham University Medical School and Zeiss Microscopy Labs, Munich, Germany. From the year 2000 attaining cumulative money applications totalling £203K. Awarded by ACE, Wellcome Trust, AHRC, AHRB, ESPRC, local authorities, Arts for Health and global companies. High-quality outputs include Ars Electronica -Virtual Garden (2020). SCANDEM the Nordic imaging society (2019), Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI) Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden. Biofilms, Research Centre for Bio interfaces at the annual research centre conference (2018), theme ‘Biomarkers’. Malmo University, Sweden.The Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE) Compare Conference (2018) and formal launch of COMPARE, Medical School, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham. Keynote speaker: Professor Brian Kobilka, 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Stanford, USA. Decriminalising Ornament: The Pleasures of Pattern Ruskin Gallery (2018) Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. The Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE) Compare, Conference (2017), Nottingham University Conference Centre. Light it Up: Brains, Psychosis, Neuroimaging & Us a collaboration with the Neuro Transational Imaging Department, Nottingham University to create Brain Container, Blackpool Illuminations (2017, 2016, 2015). Hijacking Natural Systems funded by Wellcome Trust, ACE, Derby City Council and Derby Museum & Arts Gallery (2012). This was a highly successful project nominated by Nottingham University for The Times Higher Education Award and cited by the Wellcome Trust as an exemplar of a successful Arts and Engagement project. Artwork from this project was featured in the BBC4 TV series The Beauty of Anatomy (2014, 2017) presented by Dr Adam Rutherford. Residencies include Florence Trust, London, Natural History Museum, London. Public commissions include Blackpool Illuminations,Redesign of five 1938 Fluted Pylons for 100th Anniversary of the Illuminations (2012), Millfield Sculpture Commission (2011), Derbyshire Moorlands (2010), Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust (2008), New Shetland Museum & Archives(2007) .
I have acquired highly transferable skills gaining a national reputation as a leader in Illustration research by celebrating its fundamental principles and practices aided by an extensive network of contacts, activity and experience. Undertaking teaching and scholarship projects of national and international significance linked to professional bodies and successful funding bids adding to my professional development.