Nathan Douglas

Nathan has worked within primary education for over ten years. His experience has always been within Key Stage Two and he has had a direct input into designing, shaping and developing the curriculum experiences for children in the schools he has taught at.

Nathan started his career as a Class Teacher before moving onto a new school to lead English after three years. He became fascinated with the idea of 'professional identity' when he started leading English across a whole school. He came to understand that different teachers (including himself) presented themselves differently, at different times dependent upon the circumstances. This was something that he began to think about within his MA Education dissertation. After leading English for four years, Nathan moved onto a new school to oversee standards in Key Stage Two. He gained Assistant Headship there, followed by Deputy Headship, and it is at this school where he currently works, leading on teaching and learning, the curriculum, the pupil premium grant as well as having strategic and operational oversight of the school.

The notion of 'professional identity' took a stronger hold on Nathan as he gained promotions and realised that his 'self' is made up of so many different parts, which led him to begin an EdD in 2017. Nathan has ambitions to be a Headteacher and lead his own school. His EdD is helping him be really reflective, analytical and provides him with plenty of questions and insights to help him reach his goals.

Current Activity
Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
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