Blog Article

Research Aims
The primary goal of this research is to improve the differentiation between foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is crucial because there is currently significant misdiagnosis in clinical practice, where individuals with FASD are often incorrectly diagnosed with ADHD due to overlapping behavioural and cognitive characteristics, despite these being distinct disorders. To investigate these differences, we are conducting three types of studies. First, a systematic review will examine existing behavioural and cognitive functions and evaluate current diagnostic criteria. Second, behavioural studies will focus on specific areas such as visual attention and decision-making, which may reveal key differences between the disorders. Finally, we will develop the first computational model for FASD, which will simulate neural functions during visual search tasks to provide deeper insights into the distinctions between these conditions. Through this comprehensive approach combining systematic review, behavioural studies, and computational modelling, we aim to establish clear markers for distinguishing between FASD and ADHD, ultimately improving diagnostic accuracy.
This PhD research is part of a larger collaborative project with Worcestershire Health and Care Trust, focusing on understanding the underlying brain processes of both ADHD and FASD to improve diagnostic criteria for both conditions.
Research Methods
Our research combines behavioural studies with computational analysis and modelling. The behavioural experiments, which have been validated in previous research, examine attention and decision-making processes. We use three main tasks: the Iowa gambling task (which measures 'hot' executive function and risky decision-making), the balloon analogue risk task (which also assesses 'hot' executive functions and risk-taking), and the visual search task (which evaluates sustained, selective, and focused attention). By combining these experiments with computational modelling, we aim to identify key differences in decision-making and attention between ADHD and FASD, leading to improved diagnostic criteria.
Research Impacts
The research outcomes will primarily impact the FASD community, especially in diagnostics. Our results aim to provide clinicians with better resources for detecting FASD, which could reduce both economic costs and service demands. Currently, government spending on FASD amounts to £2 billion, and there is a worldwide shortage of trained multidisciplinary professionals who can diagnose the condition. Our research could help reduce government expenditure and improve access to FASD services. While not a primary objective, better identification of clinical markers may also support the development of tailored interventions and treatments. Though this PhD focuses mainly on FASD, our findings may benefit the ADHD community as well. By including both medicated and non-medicated ADHD populations, our research could improve understanding of how medication affects neuropsychological function. This insight could inform policies about the appropriate use of medication.
This work could impact the local region in several ways: (1) improving the ability to distinguish FASD from ADHD, (2) raising awareness about alcohol's effects on developing foetuses, and (3) reducing waiting times and resource demands for FASD diagnosis. Our work also aims to impact the field beyond just the local scale.
Research Team
- (PhD Student) Todd Capes
- Professor Eirini Mavritsaki
- Professor Loukia Tsaprouni
We are collaborating with Dr. Virginia Amanatidou from Worcestershire and Herefordshire Health and Care NHS Trust. This partnership is valuable as it gives us access to clinically diagnosed children with FASD and ADHD, along with their medication histories, enabling more precise research conclusions. Additionally, Dr. Amanatidou's extensive background in NHS research provides crucial guidance on our research methodology and findings.