Research Projects
Our research is connected to outcomes that feedback into industry, culture and the environment. Find out more about our researchers and their projects below.
Exploring the language of modern fatherhood: A linguistic study of a paternal support group
Fathers play a vital role in family life, but evidence suggests that new fathers face a range of difficulties adjustin...
Using Corpus Linguistics to Protect Children and Save Lives
This knowledge transfer partnership seeks to enhance’s keyword violation detection by drawing upon BCU’s w...
Thinking Machines: Constructing Knowledge in the Victorian Periodical Press, 1840-1860
This project investigates the way periodicals were used between deliberately by publishers and editors to try to influ...
The Sleepless Theatre Exhibition
In this exhibition, The Sleepless Theatre , the notion of the ‘theatre’ has three tiers of meaning. First, it ref...
Spirit Matters: Contemporary Art from China
To our artists, what matters is not only the visual language and material, but also methodological approaches of their...
Empowering Practitioners’ Professional Learning Through Unseen Observation
The innovative “unseen observation” project with Walsall College, led by Professor Matt O’Leary in the Centre for the...
Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through Collaborative Observation
Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through Collaborative Observation (ELTQCO) was an 18-month project, funded by...
Supporting flexible pathways and effective student transitions in college-based higher education
Using a case-study approach, the project will explore several areas of focus related to the overarching theme of suppo...
NIHR’s economic return at the regional and national level
We are developing an UK economy-wide multi-region multi-sector Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to evaluate ...
Birmingham School Surveys Music Research
The Birmingham School Surveys Music Research Project is a three-year project focused on developing our understanding o...
Social Prescribing and Health Inequalities
Health inequalities remain a growing public health challenge in the UK and globally. Social prescribing, introduced in...
Attention and decision-making differences between Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
The primary goal of this research is to improve the differentiation between foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) a...
Building Relationships to Improve Discharge Guidance for South Asian families of children with congenital heart disease in England
The BRIDGE project aims to evaluate the understanding of congenital heart disease (CHD) within South Asian families in...
Nursing Roles and Career Pathways in Congenital Heart Disease Networks in England
The NHSE Clinical Reference Group (CRG) for congenital heart disease (CHD) and the workforce subgroup is evaluating th...
Grass Roots of Digital Europe (GRADE)
GRADE’s aim aligns with the European Digital Decade which runs from 2020-2030 to improve citizen involvement with digi...