Kiara Lewis
Kiara is a BASES accredited researcher in psychology, a Fellow of BASES and the HEA and current chair of BASES Division of Physical Activity for Health and BASES Equality, Diversity and Inclusion champion.
Kiara has sourced various external research income grants including from Sport England which led to the development of a UK wide definition and consensus statement on Physical Literacy. Her previous research has led to high quality outputs in physical activity for health including cancer, obesity, dementia and cardiac rehabilitation.
Kiara has also worked in elite level sport and her research led to policy changes to support the mental health of athletes. Her current NIHR funded research project is to develop and evaluate a co-produced physical activity intervention in a medium secure psychiatric service.
Areas of Expertise
- Physical activity behaviour change
- Physical activity intervention development and evaluation
- Physical activity and mental health
- Childhood obesity
- Qualitative and mixed methods research methods
- PhD Exercise Psychology
- MSc Sport and Exercise Science
- British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) accreditation
- Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Charted Management Institute (CMI) Strategic Leadership and Management
- Professional member and Fellow of BASES
- Fellow of HEA
- Motivation and behaviour change
- Childhood obesity
- Research methods
- Physical activity intervention in a medium secure psychiatric service
- School Readiness systematic review
- Physical literacy definition and consensus statement
Postgraduate Supervision
- Chinyere Sam-Okerenta ‘BAME experiences of cancer’ FT PhD completed 2022 (Lead supervisor)
- Leanne Livsey ‘A phenomenological study of breast cancer survivors’ experiences of exercise’ FT PhD completed 2018 (Lead supervisor)
- Elizabeth Harkin ‘A feasibility study of Tai Chi for stroke survivors. FT PhD completed 2018 (Lead supervisor)
- Laura Ashton-Goldsmith ‘An ethnographic study of children participating in an international Taekwon-do school’. PT PhD submission date 2024 (Lead supervisor)
- Newson, S. ‘Exploring the impact of living with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome on physical activity’ FT PhD submission date 2023 (Co-supervisor)
- Wintle, J. (Proff Doc) - Non-traditional activities in physical education: a culturally relevant curriculum for the 21st century? Start date Sept 2022 (Co supervisor).
- Rebecca Nuttall FT ‘Students experiences of mental health and help-seeking’ Masters by Research completed 2019 (Lead supervisor)
- Robert Portman ‘Exercise and self-presentational concerns’ Masters by research completed with Distinction 2017 (Lead supervisor)
- Alicia Boland ‘Environmental nudges to increase physical activity in a school setting). Masters by research completed with Merit, 2017 (Lead supervisor)
- Christina Wilks ‘Physical activity experiences of people living with Multiple Sclerosis’ Masters by research completed with Merit 2017 (Lead supervisor)
- Luke Pickard: ‘Sport and exercise and wellbeing in people with mental health problems’ Masters by research completed with Distinction 2016 (co-supervisor)
All links on orcid
Book Editor
- Esteves, D. and Lewis, K. (Eds) (2021) Physical, Physiological and Psychological Benefits of Exercise. Nova Science Publishers: New York
Book Chapters
- Lewis, K. Naughton, R.J. and Burton, K. (2021) Exercise for dementia – the way forward. In Esteves, D. and Lewis, K. (2021) Physical, Physiological and Psychological Benefits of Exercise. Nova Science Publishers: New York
- Lewis, K. (2012) ‘Physical activity behaviour of overweight and obese children’ In Advances in Medicine and Biology: Nova Science Publishers: New York
Refereed journal articles
- Smith, K., Naughton, R. and Lewis, K. (2022) ‘Weight cutting practices of Taekwon-do athletes’. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Advance online publication.
- Lewis, K., Livsey, L., Naughton, R.J. and Burton, K. (2020) ‘Exercise and dementia: what should we be recommending?’ Quality in Ageing and Older Adults. ISSN: 1471-7794
- Kola-Palmer, S., Lewis, K., Rodriguez, A. and Kola-Palmer, D. (2019) Help-Seeking for mental health issues in professional rugby league. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(9) 570690
- Lewis, K., Kola-Palmer, S., Sherretts, N. and Rodriguez, A. (2018) ‘It’s not mind blowing really, it’s about keeping people happy’: the role of Player Welfare Managers in Super League Rugby Football.", Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health Psychology.
- Portman, R., Lewis, K and Bradbury, J. (2018) ‘Social physique anxiety and physical activity behaviour of male and female exercisers’. European Journal of Sport Science, 18 (2), 257-265
- Livsey, L. and Lewis, K. (2017) ‘Breast cancer survivors’ perceptions of participating in a supervised exercise intervention: A systematic, critical review of the qualitative literature’ Women & Health. ISSN 0363-0242
- Pickard, L., Rodriguez, A. and Lewis, K. (2017) ‘Person Centred phenomenology: service user experiences of exercise’ Mental Health and Social Inclusion , 21 (2), pp. 119-126. ISSN 2042-8308
- Van der Gucht, N. & Lewis, K. (2015) ‘Women’s experiences of coping with pain during childbirth: a critical review of the qualitative research’. Midwifery,
- Lewis, K. and MacKenzie, A. (2015) ‘Should strategies to tackle childhood obesity also focus on mental health?’ British Journal of School Nursing, 10 (9), pp. 434-438. ISSN 1752-2803
- Greenwood, N. and Lewis, K. (2015) ‘A Qualitative Study Exploring the Attitudes of Acute Care Children's Nurses on Opportunistic Health Promotion in Overweight Children’ Nursing Children and Young People. ISSN 2046-2336
- Lewis, K (2014) ‘Pupils’ and teachers’’ experiences of school-based physical education: A qualitative study’ British Medical Journal, 4 (9). ISSN 0959-8138
- Lewis, K., Fraser, C. and Manby, M. (2014) ‘Is it worth it? A qualitative study of overweight and obese physically active children’ Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7, (6) pp.1219-1224
- Jackson, C., Lewis, K., Conner, M., Lawton, R. and McEachan, R. (2014) ‘Are incremental changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviours associated with improved employee health?: A 12-month prospective study in five organisations’ International Journal of Workplace Health Management , 7 (1), pp. 16-39. ISSN 1753-8351
- Fraser, C., Lewis, K. and Manby, M. (2012) ‘Steps in the right direction, against the odds: An evaluation of a community-based programme aiming to reduce inactivity and improve health and morale in overweight and obese school aged children’. Children and Society, 26 (2) pp.124-137
- Little, A. and Lewis, K. (2006) ‘Influences on long term exercise adherence in older patients with cardiac disease’ International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 13 (12), 543-549.
Invited Presentations
- Keynote lecture – (2021) University of Gloucestershire - Health, Life Sciences, Sport and Wellbeing Research Symposium. ‘Motivating the inactive – is there a way forward?’, Gloucestershire, UK.
- Invited presentation YOHPAKE annual conference (2020) ‘Exercise and Dementia’, on-line conference.
- Invited presentation (2017) Children and physical activity - why bother? In: Yorkshire Sport Foundation National Policy Seminar: Coping with reducing budgets: Improving attainment by improving pupil health, Wakefield, UK.
- Invited workshop (2013) Using evidence to inform practice to tackle child obesity. In: Public Health England’s workshop for practitioners involved with the National Childhood Measurement Scheme, Durham, UK.
Refereed conference presentations
- Lui, G., Faulkner, G., Gibbon, S., Hewitt, C., Hughes, E., Lewis, K., Lucock, M., Singh, B., Walters, P., Watson, J., Walker, T. (2023) O.2.2-6 ‘Let’s Ask the Service Users and Staff!’ - Barriers and Facilitators to Increasing Physical Activity in Medium Secure Psychiatric Services in the UK?, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_1, September 2023, ckad133.121,
- Walker, T., Faulkner, G., Gibbon, S., Hewitt, C., Hughes, E., Lewis, K., Lucock, M., Riley, F., Singh, B., Threadgold (2022), Physical Activity in a Medium Secure Settings (IMPACT). International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise. Durham University
- Eccles, N. and Lewis, K. (2018) ‘Using nudges to promote reduce sedentary behaviour: a pilot intervention’. ISPAH 7th Annual Congress. London, UK. Journal of Physical Activity for Health (Vol. 15, No. 10,)
- Brown, J., Corrigan, N., Daly-Smith, A. and Lewis, K. (2018). ‘How to create a regional physical activity knowledge exchange: Lessons learnt from Yorkshire and Humber’. Journal of Physical Activity and Health (Vol. 15, No. 10,)
- Eccles, N. and Lewis, K. (2017) ‘An exploration of the meaning of physical activity for working adults and their reluctance to reduce sedentary behaviour. BASES annual conference, University of Nottingham. Journal of Sport Sciences.
- Adami, P., Chalkley, A., Lewis, K., Hardie Murphy, M., Seghers, J., Gusi, N., Murtagh, E., Skovgaard, T., Belton, S., Murphy, M. and Dijk, D. (2016) ‘Promoting physical activity in children and young people, determinants and interventions’ SYMPOSIUM. In: 12th Annual Meeting 7th HEPA Europe Conference, 28th - 30th September 2016, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- Lewis K, Kola-Palmer, S., Sherretts, N. and Rodriguez, A (2016) Mental Health and Rugby Football League: Are we doing enough to support players? BASES annual conference, 2016, University of Nottingham. Journal of Sport Sciences, 34, Supp 1,
- Eccles, Nicola and Lewis, Kiara (2016) Do environmental nudges increase physical activity levels? In: 5th International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, University of Chichester.
Non refereed articles
- Hurter L, Essiet IA, Duncan M, Roberts WM, Lewis K, Goss H, Morris JL, Bingham DD, O'Brien W, Barnett LM, Shearer C, Daly-Smith A, Foweather L. (2022) Physical literacy consensus for England: evidence review. Physical literacy consensus for England: evidence review Public Url
- Duncan MJ, Essiet IA, Hurter L, Roberts WM, Lewis K, Goss H, Morris JL, Bingham DD, O'Brien W, Barnett LM, Shearer C, Daly-Smith A, Foweather L. (2022) First national consultation on physical literacy in England: Summary findings Public Url
- Morris JL, Bingham DD, Daly-Smith A, Hurter L, Essiet IA, Duncan MJ, Roberts WM, Lewis K, O'Brien W, Barnett LM, Shearer C, Foweather L. (2022) Physical literacy: insights from children and young people Public Url
- Lewis, K. and Burton, K. (2020) Time to turn the hierarchy of evidence on its head? The Sport and Exercise Scientist, 64, 10-11.
- Lewis, K. (2019) ‘How children who dread PE lessons at school can be given a sporting change’ The Conversation, August 30th .
- Broom, D, Duggan, M, and Lewis, K. (2017) ‘WHO Physical Activity Plan’ The Sport and Exercise Scientist Issue 54, Winter 2017 24-25
- Lewis, K., Daly-Smith, A. and Corrigan, N. (2017) ‘Yorkshire and Humber Physical Activity Knowledge Exchange - advancing translational research in the North of England’ The Sport and Exercise Scientist , 53. ISSN 1754-3452
- Lewis, K., Rodriguez, A., Sherretts, N. and Kola, S. (2016) Super League Player Welfare Study: A Mixed Method Evaluation Huddersfield, UK: University of Huddersfield
- Pottinger, T., Hinds, G., Lewis, K., Prentice, S. and Low, C. (2012) Evaluation of Brook Penine. Funded research project by the Social Enterprise Unit, University of Huddersfield.
- Prentice, S., Pottinger, T., Hinds, G. Lewis, K. and Low, C. (2012) Evaluation of Support 2 Recovery. Funded research project by the Social Enterprise Unit, University of Huddersfield.
- Fraser, C., Lewis, K. and Manby, M. (2009) Kirklees Young Pals Evaluation: Final Report. Funded research project in collaboration with Nationwide Children’s Centre
Media Work
Work With Industry
- Rugby Football League (RFL) RFL project led to significant changes to policy and practice in the organisation of an international rugby league organisation which formed the basis of an impact case study for the REF 2021.
- Central team member of ‘YoHPAKE’ Yorkshire and Humber Physical Activity Knowledge Exchange (2015-2021) set up to encourage researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and experience.
- Board member of Kirklees ‘Active Schools’ network (2016-2021) network encouraging all local schools to become Active Schools by signing a pledge and working with our organisation. Worked with Yorkshire Sport Foundation to provide an annual conference to promote activity in schools and to support local school sport partnerships to encourage activity for all.
- Executive board member of ‘Everybody Active’ a Kirklees partnership to promote physical activity (2013 -2021)