Dr Aidan O'Sullivan
Dr. O’Sullivan got his first degree, a 1:1 joint-honours in Sociology and Philosophy, from the University College of Cork in the Republic of Ireland in 2006. He would go onto to receive the same mark for his Masters in Sociology at the same institution in 2008. He would then graduate from the University of Liverpool in 2017 with a PhD in Sociology analyzing the response of the Metropolitan Police Service to anti-austerity protests.
He joined BCU in 2016 after many years teaching across Sociology and Criminology in Cork and Liverpool.
Areas of Expertise
- Policing
- Protest
- Politics
- Music
- Social History
- PGCert
- PhD Sociology
- MA Sociology
- HEA Fellow
- Irish Sociological Association
- CRI4032 Policing, Investigation and Society
- CRI4033 Crime in its Historical and Political Context Transnational Organised and Corporate Crime
- CRI7037 Terrorism and Political Violence;
- CRI7036 International Institutions and Security;
- CRI7029 Researching Crime and Society;
- CRI4036 Security Studies: The Essentials;
- SOC7000 Issues in Contemporary Security;
- CRI7028 Advanced Research Methods
- Cybercrime and Police Brutality
- Heavy Metal and Sociology of Music
O’Sullivan, A. & Kerrigan, N. (Forthcoming) Rebels in Society?: ‘Street Politics’ and Organic Intellectuals in the UK Oi! punk scene during the Miners’ Strike 1984-1985. In: Blackman, S., Raine, S., Hamilton, C. and McPherson, R. (eds.) Popular Music Ethnographies: Practice, Place and Identity. Bristol: Intellect Publishing.
O’Sullivan, A. (2023) Teaching Activist Criminology in the Neoliberal University. In: Martin, G., Canning, V. and Tombs, S. (eds.) Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
Omukuti, J. & O’Sullivan, A. (2023) The Green Climate Fund as an elaborate scheme of generating social harms. In: Crawford, N., Mikulewicz, M. (eds.) Climate Justice in the Majority World: Case Studies from Africa, South Asia and Latin America. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
O’Sullivan, A. (2022) Political Policing. In: Atkinson, R. (ed.) Shades of Deviance: A Primer on Crime, Deviance and Social Harm [2nd Edition]. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
O’Sullivan, A., Omukuti, J. & Ryder, S.S. (2022) Global surpluses of extraction and slow climate violence: A sociological framework. Sociological Inquiry. https://doi.org/10.1111/soin.12518
Hamourtziadou, L. & O’Sullivan, A. (2021) Crimes of a ‘benevolent’ hegemony: Configurations of UK power in Northern Ireland and Iraq. Journal of Global Faultlines. [Online] 8 (2), 153–171. Available from: https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.13169/jglobfaul.8.2.0153
O’Sullivan, A. (2021a) ‘Black Lives Matters and the Global History of Irish Anti-Imperialism’. In: Michael, L. and Joseph, E. (eds.)The Sociological Observer: Black Lives Matters . Maynooth, Sociological Association of Ireland.
O’Sullivan, A. (2021b) Book Review: 32 Counties: The Failure of Partition and the Case for a United Ireland by Kieran Allen. Irish Journal of Sociology. [Online] (print edition forthcoming), 1-3.
[Quoted in]: Birmingham City University (2020) ‘More than 80 per cent of prison leavers said they received no help preparing for release, new research finds’. Birmingham City university [Online] 25th February 2020. Available from: https://www.bcu.ac.uk/social-sciences/news/more-than-80-per-cent-of-people-in-prison-say-they-received-no-help-preparing-for-release-new-research-finds (Accessed 13 February 2021)
O’Sullivan, A. (2020a) Beyond COVID-19, Beyond Work?. Discover Society [Online] 7th April 2020.
O’Sullivan, A. (2020b) How lockdown has redefined public order policing. The Conversation [Online] 21st May 2020. Available from: https://theconversation.com/how-lockdown-has-redefined-public-order-policing-136992
O’Sullivan, A. (2019a) Fact 13: There were 298,949 police stop-and-search incidents in England and Wales in 2016/2017-a rate of 5 per 1,000. In: Treadwell, J. and Lynes, A. (eds). 50 Facts Everyone Should Know About Crime & Punishment in Britain. Bristol, Policy Press, pp. 77-81.
O’Sullivan, A. (2019b) Policing in the Anthropocene. The Ecologist [Online] 4th July 2019. Available from: https://theecologist.org/2019/jul/04/policing-anthropocene
[Quoted in]: Burgess, Matt (2018) The £10 million ring of steel hiding Trump from London’s protesters. Wired [Online] 13th July 2018. Available from: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/trump-protest-london-uk-visit (Accessed 15 October 2019).
Conferences and Presentations
2023 - Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, University College of Dublin, Panel: ”The unfolding socio-material legacy that is climate change”
2023 - British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Manchester, “Global surpluses of extraction and slow climate violence: A sociological framework”
2023 - Southern Sociological Society Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, “Global surpluses of extraction and slow climate violence: A sociological framework”
2022 - Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Technological University of Shannon, “Both Sides of the Irish Sea-Reflections on Northern Ireland and the Irish diaspora post-Brexit”
2022 - Global Faultline Workshop, Keele University, “The Imperial Boomerang and the Troubles”
2021 - Centre for Security and Extremism, Birmingham City University, “The Imperial Boomerang and the Troubles”
2019 - European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control Conference, Can Batlló, Barcelona, “Swatting and Police Brutality”
2019 - Being Human Festival, Goldsmiths University, Panel for screening of Lasting Marks and Evidence of the Evidence
2018 - British Society of Criminology, Birmingham City University, “Policing protest in an age of anti-austerity”
Peer Reviewer
Mortality Journal
Research interests: Critical Criminology; Zemiology and Structural Violence; Green Criminology and Environmental Sociology; Sociology of Time; Post-conflict legacies; Post-colonialism and Southern Criminology.
Links and Social Media
Twitter - @Aidanosu