Research staff
9 items found, viewing items 1 to 9.
Professor Imran Awan
Professor of Criminology
Professor Imran Awan is one of the country’s leading criminologists and experts on Islamophobia and countering extremism.
Dr Damian Breen
Associate Professor in Criminology
Damian is currently a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Birmingham City University. His research interests are focused on exploring the public positioning of Muslim interests in British contexts. In particular, his research has focused on the ways that public debates around nationhood and national identity impact on...
Dr Pelham Carter
Associate Professor in Psychology
Pelham was drawn to Psychology initially by his interest in animal behavior, then followed maze experiments and finally using virtual environments to explore human behavior.
Kusminder Chahal
Senior Research Fellow
Kusminder Chahal has worked as a social and community-based researcher in a variety of organisations and places locally, nationally and internationally. This has led to a passion for understanding lived experiences, how better to exchange research knowledge, inform practice and policy and work in partnership with people who...
Dr Ben Colliver
Associate Professor in Criminology and Subject Lead for Criminology & Policing
Dr Ben Colliver completed his undergraduate degree in ‘Criminal Justice and Legal Studies’ at the University of Greenwich before completing an MSc in ‘Criminology and Social Research Methods’ at London Southbank University.
Dr Lily Hamourtziadou
Senior Lecturer and Course Lead in MA International Relations and Security
For the last 20 years Dr Lily Hamourtziadou has researched and taught international politics and security. She is also principal researcher for Iraq Body Count, a leading NGO, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Dr Nathan Kerrigan
Lecturer in Sociology
Nathan has been a Lecturer in Sociology at Birmingham City University since September 2018 where he leads and teaches on a number of Foundation and Undergraduate Sociology modules.
Dr Zaki Nahaboo
Lecturer in Sociology
Dr Zaki Nahaboo joined as Lecturer in Sociology in 2019. He previously taught sociology at Liverpool Hope University and INTO City, University of London. He has research and teaching interests in postcolonial studies and international political sociology.
Dr Mohammed Rahman
Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Dr Mohammed Rahman is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology in the School of Social Sciences. Previously he was a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University.
9 items found, viewing items 1 to 9.