I have applied to BCU

Here are some frequently asked questions and other information about applying to BCU. If you can't find the answer your are looking for you could try our main help and support page to find the answer there.

Your application


How can I check the current status of my application?

The status of your application is displayed at any time using your MySRS Applicant Portal. You can also check to see if you have any outstanding actions for things we have asked you to do through the portal.  You will need to log in using your username (which is your 8 digit BCU ID number) and password. If you need to reset your password please use the 'forgotten my password' option on the portal log in screen.


I have made a mistake on the application form, how can I correct this?

If you have made an error on your application, have forgotten to include a qualification or you have any other information you want us to know about, please contact Admissions with details of any changes or additional information you wish to provide. If a decision has already been made on your application to Birmingham City University and we are able to, we would be willing to reconsider your application provided it is made clear why the original information was omitted or incorrect.

You will need to provide the information in writing to Admissions. You should include your full name, the course you have applied for and your application ID number. You can contact Admissions via the contact form.


When will I receive a decision on my application?

When you can expect to receive a decision from us can depend on the date you submitted your application to us and how you applied to us.

Undergraduate Full-time applications made through UCAS in the main application cycle:

If you applied:

  • By 29th January 2025: you will receive a decision from us by no later than 14th May 2025.
  • Between 29th January 2025 and 30th June 2024: you will receive a decision from us by no later than 17th July 2025.

You can check the progress of your application to BCU at any time through the MySRS Applicant Portal.

Applications submitted to UCAS after 30th June will automatically held by UCAS for Clearing and will not be sent to the University. Find out more about the Clearing process by visiting the UCAS website.

Undergraduate part-time, postgraduate taught and post-registration course applications made directly to Birmingham City University:

Wherever possible, we aim to make a decision on your application as soon as possible. If your application is received close to the course start date, we will work to make a decision on your application as soon as we can taking into account when the course starts. You can check the progress of your application through the MySRS Applicant Portal.

Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) initial teacher training applications are made through the Department for Education’s postgraduate teacher training application system:

We will make a decision on your application and communicate this to you within 40 working days of the date of receipt of your application. If your application is shortlisted, you will be invited to an interview and this will take place before then so that a decision can be made and communicated to you within this timeframe. You can check the status of your application at any time in your MySRS Applicant Portal.


What do I need to do if I am asked to provide more information or complete further documentation?

As part of the application process, we may ask you to:

  • provide evidence of or further details about your qualifications
  • complete documents relating to your application or fee status
  • provide additional information or evidence

If we do this, please make sure that you provide any requested information or documents as soon as possible. Failure to do so could result in a delay to processing your application or us being unable to make a decision about whether or not we could offer you a place.


How do I upload documents to the MySRS Applicant Portal?

Uploading documents to the MySRS portal is quick and easy. You can watch a step-by-step guide.


What documents do I need to upload to the Applicant Portal if I am asked to provide evidence of my qualifications?

When uploading evidence of your qualifications this must be provided as one of the following:

  • Certificate(s). The uploaded document must clearly show a full page view of the certificate with all pages, the student's full name, the qualification title, subject, year and grades awarded.
  • A Statement of Results which must be signed, stamped and dated by the school. We will not accept it without the school’s stamp and signature.
  • A letter from your school/ college/ institution confirming your qualifications, including the subjects and grades achieved. This must be on the institution’s letter headed paper.
  • An email from the institution confirming your grade. Please ask your school/ college/ institution to email myresults@bcu.ac.uk. The email from the school/ college/ institution must include your full name, BCU ID number, the official title and level of qualification/s achieved, overall grade/s and the years attended. Please note, we can only accept emails from an academic email address from an institution and we will not accept any emails from personal accounts as verification.

Common reasons for uploaded qualifications to not be accepted are:

  • Full page view not provided
  • Image quality too poor to read in detail
  • Outcome of certificate/transcript not clear
  • Evidence is not in the correct format i.e. statement of results without required verification from the school i.e. signature, stamp and date by the exam officer
  • Discrepancy in name, in which you will need to provide evidence of your full name – e.g. a copy of your birth certificate

I don't have the certificates for my qualifications. What should I do so that I can provide evidence of my qualifications to you?

You will be required to provide evidence of your qualifications before you will be able to enrol on to the course.

If you have lost your certificates you will be able to request replacement certificates from the awarding body. In place of certificates we are able to accept a statement of results from your awarding body and/or School/College. The statement would need to be on letter headed paper.

If you have lost your degree certificate we can accept a transcript confirming your award or contact your awarding university directly for a replacement certificate.

Further details can be found on the UCAS website.


I've provided my documents as requested. When will I receive an update?

We will review your documents as soon as we possibly can, which ordinarily would be within two weeks of submission, although at peak times it can sometimes take a little longer for us to complete this task. Peak times include December to February and July to October.

You will be able to check the progress of your document submissions in your BCU mySRS Applicant Portal


I have been asked to complete a Fee Status Questionnaire. Why is this?

If you have been asked to complete a Fee Status Questionnaire, this is because we are unable to determine your fee status category based on the information provided within your application.

Fees Regulations and government guidance require the University to assess each individual to determine their status for student fees.  More information on fee status can be found on the UK Council for International Student Affair’s (UKCISA) website here.


My application has been unsuccessful. Is it possible to have feedback about this?

Due to the high volume of applications we receive, we are unable to provide individual feedback unless you attended an interview or audition for the course you applied to us for. Most unsuccessful decisions will be based on not meeting our entry requirements so please refer to the entry requirements information on the course pages on our website where you will find details of the qualifications we look for, as well as any other entry criteria. If you attended an interview or audition and subsequently did not receive an offer, we can provide feedback upon receipt of a written request through our contact form.


When is the latest date to meet any conditions of my offer?

All conditions must be met prior to your enrolment onto the course you applied for. 


I no longer want to be considered for the course I applied to BCU for. What should I do?

Undergraduate Full-time applications made through UCAS in the main application cycle:

You are able to withdraw your application to us through your UCAS Track account.

Undergraduate part-time, postgraduate taught and post-registration course applications made directly to Birmingham City University:

If you would like to withdraw your application to Birmingham City University, you will need to put your request in writing using the contact form.

Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) initial teacher training applications made through the Department for Education’s (DFE apply) postgraduate teacher training application system:

If you applied through DfE apply you are able to withdraw your application to us through your DfE apply account.


Can I change the course I have applied to Birmingham City University for?

If you have not yet fully enrolled onto the course you have applied for, you can contact BCU to request a change to your course via the course change request form. Please note that this form is for applicants only and if you have already fully enrolled on a course you will need to contact the relevant School Office. Contact details for each school can be found here.

It may not always be possible to accommodate this change and please consider the entry requirements for the course you may wish to change to as these may be different to the course that you originally applied for.


I need to change some information on my application. How do I do this?

You will need to provide the information in writing to Admissions. You should include your full name, the course you have applied for and your application ID number. You can contact Admissions via the contact form.


How do I update my contact details?

Undergraduate Full-time applications made through UCAS in the main application cycle:

You can update your contact details through your UCAS Track account.

Undergraduate part-time, postgraduate taught and post-registration course applications made directly to Birmingham City University:

Please provide your updated contact details in writing to Admissions. You should include your full name, the course you have applied for and your application ID number. You can contact Admissions via the contact form.

Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) initial teacher training applications made through the Department for Education’s (DFE) postgraduate teacher training application system:

If you applied through DFE teacher training application system, you can update your contact details through your DFE application account.


I would like to defer my application to next year. Can I do this?

If you are thinking about taking a year out before coming to University, in many cases we will be happy to consider your application for deferred entry. However, please note that not all requests can be accepted for deferred entry to the following year.

You can only defer your application for one academic year and you must meet the entry requirements in the application cycle in which the application was made. 

If you would like to request to defer your application to Birmingham City University, in the first instance you will need to put your request in writing to Admissions. You should include your full name, the course you have applied for and your application ID number. You can contact Admissions via the deferral request form.


Can I add another choice to my UCAS application form if I did not use up all five choices?

If you didn't use all five choices, you can add more choices one at a time on your application as long as it's before 30 June and you've not accepted any offers or been declined by your choices.


I used up all five choices on my UCAS application. Can I apply directly to the University for another course?

If you used up all 5 choices on your UCAS application form, have heard back from all of these choices and are not holding an offer of a place, you could use UCAS Extra to apply for a course as long as places are available on it. Extra allows you to apply for courses with vacancies between the end of February and the end of June. In Extra, you apply for one course at a time using the Track service on the UCAS website.

If you are eligible for Extra, a button will appear on the UCAS Track screen which will allow you to apply for a course using Extra. UCAS Extra starts in February, so you probably won’t see the option button until then when you log in.
For more information about Extra, please visit the UCAS website.

However, if you used up all 5 choices on your UCAS application form, have heard back from all of these choices and are holding an offer of a place (or places), the only ways you could potentially be considered for a place on our course would be either through:

  • UCAS Extra; or
  • Clearing

If you were to decline all offers you have already been made, you could use UCAS Extra to apply for a course. This option would mean that you would run the risk of turning down all of your current offers and only then being able to find out whether or not you could gain a place on our course, so you should carefully consider whether you would wish to assume this risk and also make sure that places are still available on the course you are thinking of apply for before making a decision about this.

Alternatively, you could wait until Clearing (Clearing starts in early July and runs through the summer for courses with available places). In order to be considered through Clearing, you would need to have already received all of your exam results before approaching the University to see whether places are available on our course. If we have places and your qualifications are suitable, we may be able to indicate whether we may be able to consider you for a place should you decide to enter the Clearing process. We would then advise further about what steps you would need to take if you did wish to do this.


Can I swap a choice on my UCAS undergraduate application form?

Within 14 days of the date on your welcome email you can swap the choice from your application and should do this through UCAS. The 14-day period starts from the day you receive the welcome email sent to you by UCAS. However, you can't swap a choice after 30 June. You can only swap each choice once.


I am making an application to BCU directly to the University through the BCU online application form. If I can't upload the qualifications with the application form, can I send these to you later?

Yes, these can be sent to us after you have submitted your application. We will normally email you to ask you to provide your certificates and any further information we may need. The relevant documents can then be uploaded to your MySRS Applicant Portal should this information be required.


How can I be released from my current offer with BCU so I can enter Clearing?

If you are holding an Unconditional Firm offer, you will be able to self-release into Clearing via your UCAS Track account.

If you have a Conditional offer and wish to be released, you will need to put your request in writing to Admissions via our request form


My offer with BCU is still showing as conditional and I now have my exam results. Why is it still conditional?

If your offer is still showing as conditional after your exam results have been released, have you sent us your exam results? If not, please do so as soon as possible to make sure we have them as not all results are sent to us by UCAS (such as GCSEs and Key Skills results). You should upload them to your mySRS Portal. Please send these to us by no later than 31 August 2024 and remember to include your UCAS Personal ID or BCU application number in any emails you send us.

Please also check your MySRS Applicant Portal to see if there is any other outstanding documentation we have asked you to provide us with. Any outstanding documents must be uploaded.

If you have sent us all of your exam results and outstanding documents, we will aim to process our decision as soon as possible.

Applicant portal


What is the Applicant Portal?

The MyBCU Applicant Portal helps you keep track of your application, as it moves through all the stages of your applicant journey. On the portal you can undertake actions such as:

  • View the status of/ decision on your application
  • Update your personal details
  • Select an interview date (if applicable)
  • Upload documents
Finding your way around the portal

The main menu options you will use in the portal as an applicant are:

Home - you can manage your personal details and address from the home screen.

Applications - you can check the status of your application by clicking on the 'Applications' option on the main menu ribbon at the top of the screen. Any requests for additional information/ documentation will be shown in this section of the portal. The progress of processing any documents you have already uploaded to the portal can also be tracked on the Applications screen.

Events - if the course you have applied for requires applicants to attend an interview and your application is shortlisted, you will be able to book an interview slot and manage your interview booking through this option.


How do I access the Applicant Portal?

You can access the Applicant Portal log in page by visiting https://mysrs.bcu.ac.uk/

Watch our video walkthrough to find out how to log in and navigate the portal.


What is my username on the applicant portal?

Your username is the same as your Birmingham City University (BCU) application number. Your Birmingham City University application number is an 8 digit number and can be found on emails you have received from our Admissions team. 

Please note: if you have applied via UCAS your BCU ID number is different from your UCAS number.


How can I reset my password?

There is an option to reset your password on the main log in page for your mysrs Applicant Portal. Please follow the steps on the forgotten my password option. If you still unable to access your portal please complete the contact form to report the issue to us.


My decision status on the Applicant Portal shows as 'Pending Decision'. Is there anything else I need to do?

Please do not worry if you have yet to receive a response as we will review your application as soon as possible. We may email you to ask you to upload documents to the portal so please make sure that you respond to any requests we may make.  


I don’t have an ‘Applications’ and / or ‘Events’ section showing on my MySRS Applicant Portal. What should I do?

Please contact our Admissions team as this may be due to a technical error. Please contact us as soon as you are aware of the issue, as you will not be able to upload documents, check the status of your application, or book an interview (if applicable) until these tabs are available to you, and this would delay your application. 

Interviews and portfolios


I can’t attend any of the interview dates listed on my portal. What should I do?

Interview dates are often released in small batches (i.e. perhaps only showing dates for the coming week/s). If you can’t attend any of the dates listed, please contact our Admissions team to confirm if any future dates are likely to be released.

Please note: Additional dates are more likely to become available in the earlier stages of the application process, but if places on your chosen course are filled quickly, later interview slots may not be made available. 


I have been invited to book an interview/ audition but when I try to do this through the BCU Applicant Portal there are no available dates or times I can select. What should I do?

Please contact Admissions.


I need to change the date of my interview/ audition. How do I do this?

If you have been invited for interview and need to change the date of your interview please log in to your BCU Applicant Portal, go the the 'Events' option and then click 'cancel date'. Once you have done this, refresh the page and you will then be able to select an alternative date.


I've applied for a course that requires a Portfolio. What do I need to include in it?

If you have applied for a course that requires a portfolio please see the guidance on our website. BCU will also contact you via email with instruction on how to upload your portfolio should this be required for your application.


I can't upload my Portfolio to the BCU Applicant Portal. How can I send it to you?

Check the size and format and make sure you submit your work as one PDF or PowerPoint file try to compress the file if it's the size which is the issue. Your digital portfolio should be no more than 10MB.

More information can be found on our website.


Am I required to prepare anything for my interview/audition?

This would depend on the course that you have been invited to attend an audition/interview for. If you are required to pre-prepare for your audition/interview, you should have had an email from us with details if about this. Please check to see if there is a guidance link under the ‘Events’ menu under ‘View details’ on your BCU Applicant Portal.



When do I need to complete my DBS?

If you have received an offer from the University, you will automatically be sent an email requesting you to complete a DBS. This will be sent to you up to 5 months before the start of your course (from around April if your course starts in September), or later depending on when you applied. You will then have 40 days to complete the DBS before the link to the DBS application in the email expires.

If you do not access the link and complete your DBS application within this timeframe the DBS application will be withdrawn and you then will need to contact our Admissions team to request a new link.


I don’t have a biometric ID card and can’t get my documents checked at the post office. What should I do?

In the first instance please check the full list of documents that can be used, as you may have something else that would be appropriate. Full instructions and information about this will be provided by our external DBS provider, First Advantage, once you have received the link to complete the DBS from them.

If you are not able to complete your DBS through the Post Office (e.g. if you do not have a biometric card and only have an EU share code), please contact our Admissions team to inform them that you are not able to complete your DBS at the Post Office.

Our team will arrange for a new DBS form to be set up for you which you will receive by email and then need to complete. Once you have completed and submitted the new form, please email the admissions team to notify them that you have done so – they can then check your DBS status and the evidence you have provided. The admissions team will then set up a Microsoft Teams meeting with you to go through the DBS form and your evidence before this can then be sent off to process the DBS check.


I already have a DBS, can this be used?

For Health and Education courses, we would need to check that your DBS certificate meets the University’s requirements. All DBS Certificates need to be enhanced DBS, for either the Child and Adult Workforce (Health courses) or the Child Workforce (Education courses), not for a voluntary role and registered to the update service. You will need to email us a copy of your enhanced DBS certificate to check if your certificate meets our required level of checks.

Once the checks have been completed we will contact you to post your original DBS certificate to the below address via recorded or special delivery:

Birmingham City University,
HELS Admissions,
Joseph Priestley Building
6 Cardigan Street
B4 7BD

If your DBS certificate does not meet the above requirements, then we would need you to apply for a new DBS via First Advantage online disclosures. The email link to complete this through First Advantage is sent to all applicants prior to their enrolment.


I have two offers from Birmingham City University (one is my first/firm choice, and the other is my insurance choice). Do I need to complete a DBS for both courses?

No, we will only ask you to complete a DBS check for your firm choice/course.


Prohibition List Check is listed in the outstanding actions of my portal, what does this mean?

This is an additional check carried out by the University. There is nothing that you are required to do in relation to this outstanding action. Once we have completed this check, we will update the information on your Applicant Portal.



I need to request a letter to confirm my student status, who do I need to contact?

Unfortunately you will not be able to request a letter confirming your student status until the programme has commenced, you will also need to be fully enrolled on the programme. Once you are fully enrolled and on the course you will be able to obtain a letter confirming your student status through your school office. If you require a letter for applications such as your student finance, your BCU offer letter is all you require.


Where do I access student support?

You can find out more about student support at Birmingham City University including:

  • Disability support
  • Support for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Support with your academic studies
  • Child care advice
  • Support for care leavers
  • Finance and money matters

See further information on student support.

You can also contact our Student Support Team who can provide advice and guidance for applicants and prospective students about the following:

  • Student Finance England entitlement and funding
  • Hardship Funds
  • Welfare Benefits
  • NHS Funding (options for funding pre-registration courses)
  • Help with finding childcare
  • Emergency Support (foodbank)
  • Funding implications of interruption & withdrawal
  • Accessing childcare funding
  • Alternative sources of funding

Applicants and prospective students can email the Student Support Team.

Still need help?

If you can't find the answer to your question, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our Admissions team.

Contact us

Exam Results and Confirming Your Place


What happens when I get my exam results?

Your school or college will tell you how you will receive your exam results on results day. You should contact your school or college if you are not sure.

Universities receive most exam results from exam boards via UCAS before they are released to students, so are usually able to make their decision in readiness for results day. Most applicants will therefore be able to find out whether you have got into your university of choice once the UCAS Hub opens on the morning of results day.

‘Confirmation’ is the name given to the process that universities use to assess your exam results against the conditions of your offer and to determine whether you have:

  • Achieved the results needed to meet your offer conditions
  • Have not achieved the results needed to meet your offer conditions

How do I find out whether I have got my place or not?

You can check your UCAS Hub account on the morning of results day to see if your place has been confirmed or not. You will see a status for your application.

Information about what your status in your application, what this means and what to do next can be found here on the UCAS website


Can the University tell me what my exam results are or whether or not I will get my place before results day?

No. The University strictly observes the UCAS Embargo period, which means that we cannot discuss your application with you or your nominated contact at all whilst we are within the embargo period after we have received your results.

If you do contact us during the embargo period, we will only be able to tell you that we cannot discuss your application at that time and that you will need to contact us again once the embargo period has lifted on results day. We understand that you may be feeling anxious or nervous ahead of results day, but we also know how frustrating it can be for you if you contact us during the embargo and you aren’t aware that we can’t discuss your application with you until after the embargo has ended.

The SQA and JCQ results embargo periods for 2024 are:

  • Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) results embargo period: 29 July at 18:00 (UK time) – 6 August at 09:00 (UK time)
  • Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) results embargo period: 9 August at 14:00 (UK time) – 15 August at 08:00 (UK time)

We will not be able to discuss an applicant’s individual status with them, or with an adviser, during these periods. Please note, you will not be able to access your UCAS Hub account or our MySRS Portal during the embargo periods.


I have received my exam results on results day but the university has not confirmed my place – why is this?

If we have not been able to confirm your place on results day, we will send you an email on the morning of results day telling you this and informing you of the reason why and if there is anything we need you to do.

There are a number of reasons why the University may not have been able to confirm your place at that point:

  • We’ve not received all the results needed: You’re waiting for results from other qualifications that are included in the conditions of your offer, such as GCSEs. Check your offer letter to see what grades and qualifications we have asked you to achieve. You can find out which qualification results UCAS send to universities here: https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/results-confirmation-and-clearing/sending-exam-results. Your offer will stay as conditional until the university has all the results needed to make a decision. You may need to need to upload proof of your results to your mySRS Portal when you receive them, as results for qualifications such as GCSEs are not sent to the universities by UCAS. If you are required to send any results to us to show that you meet the conditions of offer, you must do so by 31st August.
  • You have all of your results but got lower grades than we asked for in the conditions of your offer. The University may still be considering your application and will make a decision as soon as we can.
  • You have taken a qualification that UCAS does not send the results of to universities. You can find out which qualification results UCAS send to universities here: https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/results-confirmation-and-clearing/sending-exam-results. If your qualification is not listed, you will need to upload proof of your results to your mySRS Portal.
  • UCAS have not been able to provide confirmation of some or all your results to the university. This sometimes happens if the information UCAS receive from the exam board does not provide complete grades or if grades are missing. If you can see that you have received the full grades on your results slip and have met the grades needed for your offer, please upload proof of your results to your mySRS Portal so we can process them.
  • You listed a qualification on your application form which you were taking but did not go on to take an exam for/complete. You will need to provide written confirmation that you did not take the exam or complete the qualification to the Admissions team.

Before you contact us, please check your emails (remember to check your spam/junk folders!). If you have not received an email from us on results morning telling you why your offer is still conditional, then please contact our Admissions team.


What happens if I don’t get the grades needed to meet the conditions of my offer?

Depending on your exam results, the university may decide to:

  • Offer you a place on the course you were offered. This is considered at the discretion of the University
  • Offer you a place on an alternative undergraduate course or for a foundation year; or
  • Reject your application.

When making a decision, the University may take into account a number of things if we are considering grades which fall below those needed to meet the conditions of your offer. These include:

  • The availability of places on the course after offers have been confirmed for applicants who achieved the grades needed to meet the conditions of their offers.
  • How close the grades you achieved are to the grades we asked you to get.
  • Whether the grades you have might be more appropriate to foundation year entry or for an alternative course.
  • Other information related to your application – such as your personal statement, work experience or if you have a claim for disrupted studies. If applicable to the course you applied for, your performance at interview/audition or the quality of your portfolio may also be taken into account.

Once we have made our decision, this will be updated in your UCAS Hub account.


What happens if the University offers me a place on a foundation year or alternative undergraduate course?

If we make you an alternative course offer, this will be updated in your UCAS Hub account – the notification you receive will state that you have received an unconditional place with substantial changes to your original choice.

The changed course offer could be a change to the course itself, the start date or the point of entry (e.g. foundation year or first year).

Check the details of the changed course offer in your UCAS application before deciding whether or not you want to accept the change. Check this information carefully before making your decision.

If the changed course offer is our offer and we are your firm choice, you can accept the changed course offer if you want to study that course. Or you can wait to see if your insurance choice confirms your offer – if so, you’ll be able to accept that instead.


My offer is still showing as conditional but I have my results and meet the conditions of offer for my course choice. Can I confirm my place using Clearing?

No. As you already hold an offer for that course, you should not use Clearing to confirm your place on it if your offer is still showing as conditional. You should provide us with proof of your results as it is likely that we may not have received them from UCAS, or you have taken a qualification which UCAS don’t provide results for, and we need you to provide them to us instead.

If you hold a conditional offer with Birmingham City University, have received confirmation of all of the exam results for the qualifications needed for the conditions of your offer, please upload proof of your results to our mySRS Portal and our Admissions team will check these as soon as they possibly can.

Please do not use Clearing to try and confirm your place if you hold a firm or insurance offer with us as this can affect your eligibility for an undergraduate scholarship if you met the criteria for it. Applicants who receive an offer through Clearing will not be eligible for the scholarship.

If we have not been able to confirm your place on results day, we will send you an email on the morning of results day in August telling you and informing you of the reason why and if there is anything we need you to do. Please make sure that you have read this email carefully so you know why your offer is still conditional.


I have my results but want to change my course to a different one at Birmingham City University. What should I do?

If you hold an offer with Birmingham City University and want to see if you can change to another course with us, you must put this request in writing to our Admissions team via our online form.

Please do not use Clearing to try and change your course if you hold a firm or insurance offer with us as this can affect your eligibility for an undergraduate scholarship if you met the criteria for it. Applicants who receive an offer through Clearing will not be eligible for the scholarship.