Getting an offer

We're here to explain what different offers mean and what you can do next.

Once we have considered your application we will let you know our decision.

If you receive an offer from us, we will send you an offer letter plus an information booklet telling you more about us and outlining the next steps in the application procedure.

If you accept a conditional offer, we will confirm your place on the course once you have met the relevant conditions. If you don't achieve the grades set out in your offer, we will consider you for a place on your original choice of course or an alternative course, as appropriate.

What does my offer mean?

Once you've applied, there are a number of different responses you could receive. Find out more about what your offer means.

How do I accept my offer?

If a university you've applied to offers you a place you'll need to make a decision on what to do next. Once you've received offers from all of your choices you can narrow it down to your top two and decline the other three. When replying to offers these are the decisions you can make:

  • Firm – this is your number one choice, the place you want to go to the most.
  • Insurance – this is a backup in case you don't meet the conditions of your offer from your firm choice. You won't be able to accept an offer from your insurance choice if you get an unconditional offer from your firm choice. 
  • Decline – you'll have to decline any other offers you've received.

If you're thinking about taking a year out before coming to the University, we will be happy to consider your application for deferred entry, particularly if you plan to use the time constructively. 

Once you've received decisions from all of your universities and accepted your firm and insurance choices, all you can do is wait for results day. While you're waiting you could research what life at university is like. 

Get ready for university

What if I have no offers?

If you used all five choices when making your original applications, but didn't receive an offer from any of them, you can use UCAS Extra to add another choice. UCAS Extra is open each year from the end of February until the end of June, and it's free to use, outside of these dates you can also use Clearing to search for other courses. 

Learn more about UCAS extra

I've made my choices but changed my mind

If you've replied to your university offers by selecting a firm and insurance choice on UCAS but changed your mind, you may still be able to swap your firm and insurance choice around.

What to do if you've changed your mind

I still have a question

Get in touch if you're not sure about your offers or decisions.

Contact our admissions team

Choosing a firm and insurance choice

Once your offers start coming in, you’ll need to choose a firm and insurance university. The best way to narrow down your top two is to make a pros and cons list for each university. We’ve thought of all the things you need to do to find a winner and select your firm and insurance choice.