
The wait to discover your exam results is nearly over. You might be feeling anxious, nervous, or just excited about what’s going to happen on the day. We’ve pulled together a guide to walk you through what will happen on results day, so you feel prepared and ready for anything. No matter what happens, there are many different routes to success so don’t panic and read on to find out the answers to your results day questions.
What happens when I get my results?
Your school, college or sixth form will let you know how you’ll receive your results, get in touch with them if you’re not sure. You might get them through the post, or you may have to go and collect them. When you log into your UCAS hub on results day, you’ll be able to see what your selected universities have decided.
They’ll either have confirmed your place because you met the conditions of your offer, your place could be awaiting confirmation, or you might not have got a place at your firm or insurance choices. You can find full details about your application’s status and what you should do next on the UCAS website.
What if I didn’t get the results I was expecting?
Results day can be very stressful, and it can come as a big shock if you don’t get the results you were expecting. This is not the end of the road though, and even if you didn’t get the grades you needed for your firm or insurance choices, you can still go to university by searching for a course through Clearing. Learn all about the Clearing process and how this can help you get into university here.
What if BCU hasn't made a decision on results day?
If on results day your offer is still Conditional, don’t panic! If we haven’t been able to confirm your place, we’ll email you to let you know and explain what you need to do next.
There are a few reasons why we might not have been able to confirm your place on results day:
- We haven’t received all your results - We might be waiting for the results of other qualifications included in the conditions of your offer. There are some types of qualifications UCAS don’t send to us, like GCSEs, you can check what they send to us here. If this is the case your offer will stay as conditional until we receive them. Upload proof of these other results to your mySRS Portal. If you need to do this the deadline is 31st August.
- You have your results but got lower grades than the conditions of your offer - We may still be considering your application and will make a decision as soon as we can.
- UCAS haven’t been able to provide some or all of your results to us - This can sometimes happen if the exam board hasn’t provided complete grades or if some grades are missing. If you can see that you’ve achieved the grades needed for your offer on your results certificate, please upload proof to your mySRS Portal so we can process them.
- You listed a qualification on your application which you didn’t take an exam for or complete - You’ll need to provide written confirmation to the Admissions team that you didn’t take the exam or complete the qualification.
Before you contact us, please check your emails (remember to check your spam/junk folders). If you haven’t received an email from us on results morning about why your offer is still conditional, please contact our Admissions team.
What do I do if I want to change course after receiving my results?
If you have a firm or insurance offer from Birmingham City University but want to change to a different course, you’ll need to submit a request to the Admissions team through this online form.
Please don’t use Clearing to try and change your course if you hold an offer with us. This can affect your eligibility for an undergraduate scholarship if you met the criteria for it. Applicants who receive an offer through Clearing aren’t eligible for certain scholarships.
What happens if the University offers me a place on a foundation year or a different undergraduate course?
If you didn’t get the grades you expected, the universities you’ve chosen might make you an alternative offer. This could mean offering you a place on a foundation course, a foundation year gives you the opportunity to up your grades and learn essential study skills before starting an undergraduate degree. They may also offer you a place on a different course if your grades are more suitable.
Accepting a change of course offer
If the universities you’ve chosen make you an alternative course offer, this will be updated in your UCAS Hub. You’ll get a notification saying you’ve got an unconditional place with substantial changes to your original choice.
Check the details of the new offer carefully before making a decision. The changes may involve a different course, the start date, or starting with a foundation year. If you want to study the course and are happy with the changes, click accept.
What happens if I’m rejected by both my firm and insurance choices?
If you get rejected by both your firm and insurance choices you’ll be entered into Clearing. This gives you the opportunity to still go to university if you want to by finding another course that you have the grades for. Read our guide to Clearing to get advice and tips ahead of results day.