
Amrutha Chempaliputhenpurayil Raj

MLA Landscape Architecture (Conversion Masters)

Amrutha embarked on a transformative journey, transitioning from her hometown in India to pursuing her passion for architecture in Birmingham. She is now an award-winning student, finally living out her dream as a landscape architect.

"Growing up in India, my undeniable passion for architecture sprouted from observing lifeless buildings lacking creativity in their designs. I knew I always wanted to go to university abroad because I desired to experience a different environment and learn more about landscapes. After completing my bachelor’s degree in Architecture, I decided to search for a master's course in the United Kingdom.

After extensive research, I settled on Landscape Architecture. It proved to be the perfect fit, seamlessly combining elements of design and outdoor architecture that I thoroughly enjoyed. Among the various universities offering this at a master’s level, Birmingham City University captured my attention. What set BCU apart was the unique opportunity for students to work with live clients. This practical aspect added a dynamic layer to my education, enabling me to apply my knowledge in real-world scenarios. It was a standout feature that solidified my decision to choose BCU as the university to turn my passion into a profession.

In my first few weeks at Birmingham City University, it became clear that I had made the right choice. The lecturers and tutors were very supportive, especially when my visa got delayed which meant I started a few weeks later than my classmates. Worries about missing key information were gone when I arrived, however. One of my lecturers redid the site visit I had missed because of my late start. This visit was crucial for one of my assignments, but the support didn't end there. My lecturer redoing the site visit was a significant moment and a kind gesture, setting a positive tone for my academic journey.

Like any journey, challenges arose. English, not being my first language, presented a significant difficulty, especially during presentations. I would get very nervous because I wasn’t sure if people could understand me, or if I was pronouncing the words correctly. However, my lecturers helped me overcome this obstacle. Their patience, encouragement, and willingness to provide extra assistance helped me to improve my language skills and gain confidence in public speaking. Overcoming this challenge has transformed me into a more confident individual.

Throughout my time at BCU, I have received three different awards. The West Midlands Landscape Institute Award stands out as the one I am most proud of. These accolades have undoubtedly strengthened my career prospects and reflect the dedication I poured into my studies. They serve as a testament to the supportive environment and quality education I found at BCU, propelling me towards my future goal.

BCU has become more than a university to me; it is home. A place that has moulded me into a confident professional. Now that I have graduated, I am working as a Landscape Architect designing and planning outdoor spaces at a building design company in Birmingham. I thoroughly enjoy my role and I carry with me the things I learned at BCU, symbolizing not just a chapter of my life but a profound and transformative journey that will continue to push me forward.

'I AM BCU' signifies home to me. Regardless of your origin, you'll find unwavering support and a sense of belonging."