
Andrea Kok

Fine Art - BA (Hons)

Andrea was so excited to broaden her horizons and move away from her home country. Since starting university she has massively increased her artistic skills, joined the Gospel Choir Society and expanded her ministry work with the Church. 

"I've always wanted to go to University to further my study in art. One of my lecturers recommended I attend BCU as he was an alumnus here and loved it. One of the main reasons why I picked the School of Art is because they offer personal studio space for every single student, not every university offers this facility for each student, so this was extremely attractive to me. This really helps us to create our own personal work area, and let our creativity flow and evolve, without the worry of having to always clear your work away. 

I was lucky and didn't face any challenges coming to uni, but I was so eager to get out of my comfort zone, my home in Ipoh Perak, Malaysia my house, away from my family and start learning new things, meeting new people and starting a new journey in my life. 

Since being at BCU, I feel like I've furthered my artistic skills immensely, I love painting, with my personal studio space I really get the chance to explore new styles and create unique works. I'm really proud that i made the leap to leave my home country. I love the independence of living in Birmingham and the freedom that it's given me compared to being back in my country. Although I will say, the weather sucks compared to what I'm used but the job opportunities and ministry work with my church help to balance it out. 

I joined the Gospel Choir society where I was able to practice my singing and also grow my relationship with God, being surrounded by like-minded people who share the passion for the things of God. I've then gone to join GCB UK and meet every week to sing, and worship God. 

Thanks to the International Activities week I was made to feel so welcome when I arrived here. The International team at BCU have a whole week packed with fun activities that are really engaging, and with those activities, we get to bond with new people and it made us feel at home. 

BCU has provided me with a lot of support during my time at University, my lecturers go all the way out to ensure I am learning and growing, they always reply to their emails and organise the time for you. They are people that genuinely care for you as a person and not just as a student.

I've become more mature, independent and can handle myself much more. I also feel like I've gotten better at looking out for other people.

Learning about different cultures, different people, different walks of life, I've experienced and been exposed to so many more opportunities than would have been possible back home. 

The only challenge I face is managing my time effectively and ensuring I get all my work finished. No one can fully prepare you for the step up to University, but I'm getting there with practise and help from my tutors. 

To me 'I AM BCU' means a place to begin. It would be incredible to become a multi-millionaire, famous artist. Watch this space..."

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