
Sian Cameron

Construction Management - BSc (Hons)

Sian had applied to a different university after leaving further education, but found the course wasn’t for her. She isolated herself for two years and threw herself into work, until she discovered the BSc Construction Management course at BCU. Since then Sian has gained confidence and feels ready to take on the construction industry.

"I started my higher education experience at a different university when I was 18. I quickly found the course wasn’t suitable for me and left. I was devastated as I fought so hard to get to university. After I left, I began to isolate myself, and threw myself into work. I never thought I’d want to go back to university.

Two years later I started looking at courses on UCAS because some of my friends were going. I saw an advert for BSc Construction Management at Birmingham City University. I have always been interested in property, but had no idea how women got into those roles.

When I saw the Construction Management course at BCU, I was surprised to find modules that were focused on all the areas I was interested in. I decided to apply, and spent three very hectic days sorting my application out on UCAS and researching as much as I could on the course and the University. I was thrilled to find out I had been accepted on to the course.

I’m incredibly proud of my journey through BCU. During my first week, I won a competition which allowed me to compete in the Associated Schools of Construction Region 8 competition in Prague. By the end of my first year, I managed to secure a Summer placement, and a placement year as a Construction Project Manager.

I’ve worked hard during my first year and achieved over 75% in every module. I’m now a few weeks into my Summer placement, and I’m loving every second of it. I hope to develop my placement into a degree apprenticeship, where I work full time and go to university part-time on a day release system. I also want to continue travelling, and have set myself the goal of going to a different country every year.

Above everything, I’m most proud of pulling myself out of a dark place, and proving to myself that I can do so much more than I thought I could. BCU has gone beyond my expectations, and coming here was the best decision I have ever made. I have become so much more confident - I know exactly what I want, and the university has supported me to get there.

My favourite thing about being a student at BCU is how helpful the lecturers are. Every step of the way I have been guided and encouraged, and they know how much effort you put in. I have spent countless hours working with lecturers individually to gain knowledge in the construction industry. They have helped me reach my full potential, and have gone above and beyond to help me in my journey.

The most challenging part is how much of my time study takes up. Late nights at the library and long working hours with people on my course take their toll, however it certainly pays off. I can look back at my work proudly and know that the time I put into it was worth it.

BCU has given me the chance to start again. I have committed my time to my degree and I am proudly displaying what I have to offer to the construction industry as a young professional."

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