Theo Auld
Secondary Drama - PGCE
As a mature student, Theo had worked in many different roles before realising his true calling was to become a teacher. Some experience as an unqualified teacher cemented this idea. Now he’s nearing the end of his PGCE in Secondary Drama he is looking forward to using his new-found confidence to continue to impact the lives of the children he teaches and the wider community.
"Before choosing to become a teacher, I worked in a variety of different fields. I worked as an actor in theatre, in marketing, catering and much more. My transition into teaching started with an opportunity being granted to work in a secondary school as an unqualified teacher. I believe I have a calling to work in school, so that is what made me try it out. Ever since that first moment spent in school, I knew that teaching was the career choice for me. My experience of working in school, intertwined with working alongside the young people, played a huge part in inspiring my decision to take on a teacher training course.
One of the biggest challenges that I’ve faced on the course has been how I manage my time effectively to ensure that I meet all of the demands that the course has brought throughout the year. Thankfully my tutors at the School of Education and Social Work have given me guidance whenever I’ve requested it. This guidance has ranged from extra assistance during placement, advice on applying for jobs or a helping hand with the written demands of the course.
The teachers at BCU have enabled me to experiment and develop my practice as a teacher. I have learnt a tremendous amount through conversation and observation of teachers who work at BCU and those at my placement schools. As a result, I’m gaining the fundamental knowledge and experience that is required to teach effectively and all the other elements needed to operate within the education sector. Most importantly, I am able to apply in practice at school what I have learnt, ensuring that I am able to impact the lives of all young people that I will encounter in my career going forward.
As the course has progressed, I’ve gained more clarity on what my intention for becoming a teacher is. I’m also proud of how well I’ve done on my placements as well as the success I’ve had with my assignments throughout the year. These special moments are where I give thanks. The course has enabled my confidence to grow exponentially.
Studying to become a teacher at BCU has brought many opportunities my way to advance my career, both within the University and in secondary schools, which all add to the resources needed for life as a teacher. The Big Brum Theatre Company, who came into do a Theatre in Education (TiE) workshop with all the drama trainees, has been a huge highlight of the year. In addition, working with a range of specialist tutors throughout the University has been fantastic. Most importantly, my two tutors at my placement schools have challenged me and assisted me in my development. I thank them both.
Once I complete my PGCE in Secondary Drama and achieve qualified teacher status (QTS), I hope to continue to impact the young lives that I encounter within secondary schools and their local communities. I also hope to develop my own practice within an establishment that will provide me with the opportunity to grow, nurture and build upon the firm foundation I’ve established through my training.
To me ‘I AM BCU’ is about all people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities having the opportunity to develop their potential. With the resources provided by BCU, people are able to fulfil their potential and can grow to feel confident in their ability to influence the field of work they are entering."