Jacob - Crafting Luxury

Jacob Worthington

QC Watchmaker – Rolex UK

BA (Hons) Horology

It can be daunting to study something new at university, but Jacob knew that it was necessary to find a career that would fulfil his need to work with his hands and solve problems. BCU’s Horology degree has allowed Jacob to secure a role at one of the world's most prestigious watchmakers, before he'd even completed the course.

“I’ve always loved learning new things, so going to university was a clear choice for me. I wanted to study something at a higher level and become a specialist in my chosen area. I studied Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in sixth form, but I did not want to pursue a career in these subjects or related fields, what I really enjoyed about these subjects was the problem-solving element. I wanted to learn something new that would offer a clear path to an interesting, successful career.

I discovered the Horology degree at BCU. The degree was a perfect blend of problem solving, making, repairing, and learning something new. I was excited to be able to use the analytical skills I’d learnt in my A-levels and apply it to my interest in watches and clocks.

BCU is actually the only university in the UK to offer a Horology degree. Despite BCU being my only option, I was really impressed by the course and knew it would be the one for me, even if I did have other options. The course aligned with what I find rewarding: solving problems and working with my hands.

Choosing to study a subject that I had no experience in was daunting. Investing my time, energy, and money in something which I did not know I’d enjoy or be successful in was stressful. Once I started the course, I knew I had nothing to worry about. One of the best parts of my course was the opportunity to work collaboratively with others, overcoming challenges together made me a better watchmaker. I made friends for life on my course, and I loved being surrounded by like-minded people who were as passionate about our work as I am.

Before I had completed my degree, I was invited to a bench test at Rolex UK. I completed a series of exercises to assess my hand-eye coordination, observation, and dexterity. I was successful and was offered a job as a QC Watchmaker at Rolex before I had even graduated.

Similar to car servicing, a mechanical watch requires servicing every 3-10 years to keep the watch in good health and performing accurately. This is what I am trained to do. I am involved in a sequential production line which services modern Rolex watches. I work alongside watchmakers and experienced technicians. The servicing process is split into multiple stages with technicians often specialising in one field. Working in a sequential line like this allows me to upskill and develop faster as I am exposed to more watches every day than a traditional watchmaker.

Sitting here now as a qualified watchmaker in an industry which I am passionate about is incredibly rewarding and I would not wish for anything different. BCU’s School of Jewellery provides a platform for aspiring horologists to achieve.”