Getting a part-time job at university - what's it really like?


Are you thinking about getting a part-time job to help pay for living costs at university, or wondering what it’s like to have a job while studying? Business Management student Caitlin shares her real-life experience of what it’s like to balance a part-time job with university work and assignments.

What’s your part-time job and how many hours a week do you work?

I currently work part-time at The Body Shop in Bullring Birmingham as a Customer Consultant, working 12 hours a week.

How easy or difficult was it to find a part-time job?

Finding a part-time job was relatively easy. There are many part-time retail jobs available in the city centre which you can find by searching on job sites like Indeed and LinkedIn, or going direct to the Bullring or other companies websites.

To apply for this role, all I needed to do was submit a CV and Cover Letter showcasing my interest in the role, skills, qualifications, and previous experience. I knew I could get support with my CV and Cover Letter from the Careers+ team at BCU if I needed it to help me secure the role.

Why did you choose this job in particular?

I decided to work at The Body Shop as the role was based in the Bullring, which is in the city centre. I was familiar with the area, and it was easy to commute to work from where I live in Selly Oak.

Being on a 12-hour contract meant that I could work around my university lectures and seminars. The shifts I was offered were only four hours a day, which was convenient as I could still socialise with friends and focus on my university work during the rest of the day.

I chose this role as I enjoy talking to new people and have an interest in beauty products. It gives me the opportunity to build on my networking, customer service and sales skills which relate to my Business Management degree. It’s also building on my professional work experience whilst at university.

How do you balance your part-time job and university work?

Balancing my part-time job and university has been fairly easy. Working short shifts on the days when I don’t have classes or lectures means I can plan my assignments and studies around work. I like to keep a calendar to work out which days I have free to work on my assignments and note my shifts so I can plan ahead.

Most of my work colleagues are also part-time students at university, so this meant my managers were very understanding when it came to assignment deadlines and my dissertation. They allowed me to change my shifts or work fewer hours when I needed to, to help me with finishing my studies.

Have there been any challenges and how did you overcome them?

I experienced some challenges with balancing my job and university work in my final year. When it came to assignment season and submitting my dissertation alongside two other modules, it became stressful and overwhelming.

To overcome this, I had an open conversation with my manager about the workload I had and changing my shifts or reducing my work hours to make my assignments more manageable. After assignment season, I was able to work more hours over the summer as I’d finished the academic year.

What are the benefits of having a part-time job?

Many of my work colleagues are also university students studying different courses from Business to Primary Education and Healthcare. Being surrounded by other students made it easier to make new friends, and we could share similar experiences when it came to studying and managing assignments.

Working part-time in retail has hugely helped me to build on my communication, problem-solving and teamwork skills. I’ve also built on my confidence to speak to new people. These skills will be useful when looking at any graduate role.

What advice would you give to new students who are thinking about a part-time job at university?

The advice that I would give to new students looking for a part-time job at university is to find a role that will interest them. For example, if you enjoy talking to new people and are interested in sales, a retail role may be for you. Or if you enjoy food or cooking, you may like a role in hospitality.

Having a part-time job allows you to build work experience in your free time whilst at university and it’s a great opportunity for you to build on key work skills such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving – all skills which will be useful in your future career.

Finally, make sure that the job role is manageable – ensure that the hours work around your studies and are not too overwhelming! There are plenty of part-time roles available within Birmingham City University Students’ Union such as a School Rep, Student Ambassador, Student Content Creators or even working in the Campus Shop or Eagle & Ball [the Students’ Union pub].

If you’re looking for more information about working while you’re at university, or tips on managing your money, visit our finance and budgeting hub. It’s got practical guidance and some useful tools for working out your money situation.  

00:00:03: Hi I'm Caitlin and I'm a final year business management student at BCU and today I'm going to be talking to you about how I manage my part-time job alongside University. So, I currently work part-time in retail as a customer consultant at The Body Shop Bullring, and my role involves talking to customers about beauty products and I roughly work about 12 hours a week.

00:00:26: Finding a part-time job alongside University is relatively easy I would say particularly in retail with being in the city centre and having the Bullring and lots of stores, there are a lot of opportunities for students to work while studying. So when I was applying for my job I used websites such as indeed LinkedIn to kind of find roles that were appropriate for me and I applied with a CV and a cover letter that detailed my skills my previous experience and why I was interested in the role.

00:00:59: I decided to work at The Body Shop Bullring just because it's located conveniently in the city centre so it made commuting even from University or from where I'm living in Selly Oak fairly easy as I can either walk, get the train or bus into town. I normally work about 12 hours per week so it's not overwhelming. I normally do about four hours at a time when I'm on shift so it means that I can easily manage my assignments and University work around this. I normally work on the days that I'm not at University and don't have any classes but it also means when doing four hour shifts I can still socialize with my friends or if I'm seeing family or if I want to meet up with friends or if I just want to focus on my assignments I have the time to do so. I also decided to work at Body Shop just because I have an interest in beauty products and I enjoy talking to different people and it gave me an opportunity to. Whilst I'm at University I can build on my customer service, my sales and networking and teamwork skills which were important for my Business Management degree and this can help me with you know going into a graduate role in the future.

00:02:08: Managing a part-time job and university studies has been relatively easy for me I'd say with work in these kind of shorter four-hour shifts it means I can manage my time a bit better with making sure that I'm only at work on the days that I don't have any classes or any lectures and I like to keep a little calendar as well just to know when I've got assignment deadlines or any workshops or draft submissions for like my dissertation for example um and kind of plan my time around the shifts that I've been put in for so then I can kind of manage my time properly whether it's just you know working on my University work or socialising or just making sure I'm getting the most out of the time. I have I also work with a lot of University students so it's good because everyone's in the same boat, they understand about deadlines and doing your work and they're very supportive so when you're at work you don't feel alone and the managers that I have are very understanding so if I am working too many hours I kind of want to focus more on my uni work I can speak to them and let them know and to kind of change my shifts or do fewer hours, um so I don't feel too overwhelmed. One of the main challenges that I had whilst balancing my part-time job and university studies was specifically around assignment season I had my dissertation and two other modules due in at similar times so it was quite stressful and I was very overwhelmed and I was kind of going into work and coming home and doing my work for uni and so I didn't have a lot of free time so I just had an open conversation with my manager just to let her know what was going on and how I was feeling and that I'd like a little bit more time to focus on my work at uni, um and she was very honest and she was very helpful and she made sure that I was working less hours over the next few weeks until I'd finished my deadlines, um and it just meant that after I'd finished my studies during summer I could work more hours as I'd be more free.

00:04:09: There are definitely a few benefits to working part-time whilst at uni, one of which is that a lot of the people that you work with are going to be university students like yourself so they're in the same boat in terms of assignments and exams so you can kind of you know make new friends but also share tips on how to get through assignment periods um which is really helpful and it kind of takes your mind off things a little bit, um, and then I'd also say it helps you to build on your key kind of skills such as you know communication, teamworking and problem solving which are all important for any kind of graduate role, so it gives you the opportunity whilst you're at University to build on these and I definitely built on my confidence a lot with working in retail because it was very you know people focused so I definitely say that's a benefit as well to any new students looking to take up a part-time job whilst at university would firstly be picking something that you're going to enjoy or their at least interest you so for example if you enjoy talking to people and are interested in a career in sales then retail might be for you or if you enjoy food and like cooking or baking then it might be hospitality so it's just really thinking about something that you're going to enjoy because it is your free time at the end of the day and secondly I'd say that a part-time job is essential for building those you know key competencies which are important for any graduate role in any industry so you know communication problem solving your teamwork so I definitely say that part-time job would be good to kind of polish up those skills whilst you're still studying, and then finally just making sure that the job that you're doing is manageable you know ideally part-time and make sure that it works around your University classes and lectures and you know your capabilities to make sure that you can get your assignments done because that's most important at the end of the day and there are also jobs available at the University so you could work in the campus shop or the eagle and ball, um or you can get experience working as a student content creator like myself if you're interested in marketing um or you could help out on open days such as a you know campus Ambassador so and those kind of roles are kind of as in when needed so um you can just do it it's not like a permanent you know commitment,

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