Mental health policy
Birmingham City University is committed to the fair and equitable treatment of all its students in respect of every aspect of its provision and to the promotion of their mental and emotional wellbeing. University policy and practice will seek to provide an environment that promotes equality of opportunity and that is free from discrimination against students, staff and others experiencing mental health difficulties.
The University will ensure that all students, current or prospective are treated solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential. The University will seek to prevent any form of unlawful or unfair discrimination and will be concerned with the prevention of direct and indirect, overt and covert discrimination on grounds of mental health disability/difficulties.
The University will seek to provide an accessible environment and promote a supportive culture for students experiencing mental health difficulties. The University will actively seek to support such students at all stages of the student journey and expects all staff to act in accordance with the good practice outline by the University.
The University recognises its duty of care to protect the wellbeing of its students, as well as its responsibilities under Health and Safety legislation. Further, it has an important duty to ensure that all of its policies and practices are inclusive in relation to students with mental health difficulties and has a serious commitment to carrying out its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010.
The University will ensure that policy and provision regarding student mental health are regularly evaluated, developed and enhanced in order to meet the needs of our current and future students.
In accordance with the University’s commitment to equality and diversity, the detailed guidance documents have been screened in relation to the use of gender free language, recognition of the needs of disabled people, promotion of the positive duty in relation to race and disability and avoidance of stereotypes. This document is available in alternative formats on request (eg larger print or e-formats) by request, please email us or call us on 0121 331 5188 to request alternative formats.

Current students can find us on iCity
Student support information is available on our student portal, iCity (a university login is required).