[Music] Hello my name is Fayo, I'm a student of Birmingham City University I did my master's in fashion management and for my undergrad, I studied economics.
Uh conversion course is um more like changing cost from a totally different um area to a new area, more like from what I'm doing I studied economics and then now I'm doing fashion management which are totally two different sides. Uh there's some - many reasons to choose to do a conversion course it maybe you realize you wanted to take a totally different career path or while studying your undergrad you realised maybe the course isn't for you and you decided to actually you didn't realize the actual part you wanted to go through go down. Um for me I decided to study economics 'cause I wanted to see the bigger picture, I wanted to understand what goes into play in terms of the er in terms of the economy and the factors involved and then while studying that I realized I actually love fashion and then I decided to study fashion, and I decided to study fashion for my undergrad.
After my undergrad, I started working 925 and then a lot of things had come into place and then I realised I wanted to do fashion so I actually became a Fashion Stylist, so I worked as a freelance Fashion Stylist for a period of time and then I realised um I understood more of the creative side more than the business side of fashion so and then I saw myself working in bigger fashion brands like the global ones and I wanted to see how I can feat feature myself into it so I decided to study fashion management.
When we started fashion management it was a bit daunting and we had a lot of questions but we had the tutors to actually help and support us. I also have a friend who studied a different course like totally different course he studied Quantity Surveying and then now he's studying fashion management, so yeah you can come from any background as long as you have an understanding of the fact of of what you want to study, yeah you just need to make it, just take step.
I was able to go through it because of the help of tutors and because of the help of my colleagues um I was able to whenever I needed had questions or I needed help I would ask my tutors and then they were willing to come through. They will let, they would give me um sources I could research on and then I would do that and then it will actually answer my question.
So yeah when I decided to attend BCU I I I did a lot of research, so I went to social media I looked on BCU on Instagram, on Facebook and then I also went to the website and then I looked through about their the the the classes more, like I looked through the classes and then the tutor also and then I also Googled the tutor to know more about him and then I realised he had lot of years of experience in terms of fashion management so it made me a bit more comfortable knowing what um the tutor was more experienced. And then um one thing I wished I attended was open days, and I think it's it might be a bit crucial to if you can to attend open days.
I was able to network with people network with different individuals and then I was also able to make use of the facilities provided to help me in terms of my course and to help me to grow as a person more like, there a lot of um support systems or support organizations that are there to support you.
So right now I'm looking to work in fashion I I think that's why I actually studied the course, so now I want to go more in-depth into it I want to work in fashion companies I want to work on the business side of fashion so majorly in operations and if not I can also use my experience which I have as a Fashion Stylist and continue that.