Bowater Financial Assistance Award
Three financial awards
Gertrude Aston Bowater was a student at the School of Art in the 1940s, and over her long life she had a passion for art. As a result of this, she requested in her will that her family create a bequest from her estate that would provide financial support for up to three full time MA students, which would contribute to the cost of fees.
Which courses apply for the Award?
The award is available to full time students on the following MA Art and Design courses:
What will I receive?
Awardees will receive a financial award that will cover the fees for the chosen MA course.
Am I eligible for the Bowater Financial Assistance Award?
You are eligible for the Bowater Financial Assistance Award if:
- You have been awarded a place on one of the MA Art and Design courses
- You have applied to study full time
When is the application deadline?
Applications close on 5 August at 12pm noon. You can only apply once you have received an offer to study on your chosen course.
How do I apply?
To apply for one of the above financial support awards, you must hold an offer to one of the MA Art and Design courses by deadline of applications. You are then invited to apply (separately) for the financial support via a letter of application (with your contact details listed) which should consist of the following:
- Artist/Study statement (500 words)
- A proposal outlining what you hope to get out of your MA Programme (500 words)
- For practice led candidates - a PDF of a maximum of 10 images of recent work
What we will be looking for:
- Research skills/areas
- Relationship/reference to contemporary context
- Evidence of technical skills (where appropriate)
- How this award will support your studies
Application Deadline: 5 August at 12pm noon.
Please send your application to
What happens next?
A receipt of your application will be acknowledged, and the outcome of your application is announced in August. You will be notified either way of the decision made.
Want to find out more about the Bowater Financial Assistance Award?
If you have any queries about the award, please get in touch with