Self funding

Student doing financial budgetA self-funded student is a home or international student who is paying their tuition fees without a government loan or sponsorship. You might be planning to fund your postgraduate study from your savings or by using money made available from family. Many of our students combine part-time work with their study too.

You may also be sponsored by your employer to undertake a postgraduate degree. Find out how to ask your employer to fund your studies.

Paying your tuition fees as a self-funded student

You will need to pay 50% of your tuition fees before starting your studies. UK students will need to pay this deposit prior to enrolling on the course, and international students will need to make this payment to receive a confirmation of acceptance (CAS).

Once you have enrolled and received your invoice, you can either pay the remaining 50% in full or set up a payment plan. A payment plan will allow you to pay your fees in three instalments, one per term. You will be able to see details of the instalment plans available to you in your payment portal, and the link for this will be on your invoice.

When you need to pay

As a self-funded student, there are 2 stages at which you need to pay or arrange to pay for your tuition fees.

Stage 1 – paying your deposit

Your mode of study will determine when you need to pay your deposit

If you are a...

You are required to pay... You must pay...
Home/UK self-funded student 50% of the gross tuition fee* Before completing the enrolment process.
New overseas self-funded student with a course start date before the 1st of January. £4,000 deposit On Acceptance of your offer by the CAS deadline**
New overseas self-funded students with a course start date after the 31st of December. 50% of the gross tuition fee* On Acceptance of your offer by the CAS deadline**
Existing overseas self-funded students. 50% of the gross tuition fee* Before completing the enrolment process.

* The gross tuition fee is the full tuition fee charged for your course prior to the deduction of any scholarship awards.

** If you are a new overseas self-funding student in the first year of study, and you have a course start date after 31 December, then a payment of 50% of the gross tuition fee needs to be paid on acceptance of an offer to study and prior to the cut-off deadline for your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).

For any course that has a start date prior to 1 January then £4,000 will still be accepted at CAS, with the remainder of the 50% due before you enrol. Any international scholarships are NOT discounted from the initial 50% payment requirement.

After completing stage 1, you will be able to enrol on your course.

Stage 2 – paying the remainder of your tuition fees

Once enrolled, you will be asked to pay the remaining 50% of your tuition fees. You can choose to pay in full or commit to pay through a payment plan. You must pay or commit to pay within 28 days or 4 weeks of your course start date.

If you are applying for a government-funded loan

If you are in receipt of a UK postgraduate loan, then rather than pay a 50% deposit, you can set up a payment plan and pay your tuition fees in three instalments. You will need to provide an official Student Finance England letter prior to enrolling, confirming your loan and loan amounts. Find out more about applying for the postgraduate loan.

For further advice please email quoting your student ID in the subject line.