Going from undergraduate to postgraduate


So, you're finishing up your undergraduate degree and thinking about whether to do a master’s. Josi shares her experience of starting a master’s straight after her bachelor’s degree and discusses a lot of the questions you may currently have about the transition between courses.

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We asked Josi all about her experience going from undergraduate to postgraduate study. We asked her why she wanted to study a master’s, why she decided to go straight into a master’s and what her advice is to people who are considering doing one.

‘Studying a Master's was a good way of just quickly changing a subject without having to spend three more years doing another degree. I think the moment I really realised I wanted to do a master's, was going to start applying for a master's and look into what master's I wanted to do, was during lockdown, because that's when I realised art is not for me. I'm not that passionate about it any more, and that's fine. I think my values and my priorities have definitely changed, I have realised what's important to me and what I actually want to do with my life.’

Not only did Josi change subject after originally studying Art, she also took advantage of the Graduate Scholarship, where undergraduate students can qualify for a 20% discount on postgraduate study.

‘I ended up staying at BCU because I heard about the Graduate Scholarship. If you stay at Birmingham City University, you actually get a discount if you do a master's, so I was like, yeah, I'm going to take that.’

Whether you aren’t quite ready for the world of work, are looking to change your subject, or if you want to further your career prospects, a master's may be for you. The lifestyle of doing a master’s is different to that of an undergraduate degree, we asked Josi and some of our other students all about life as a master's student in this webinar session.

What should you do next?

Find out about our Graduate Scholarship

You could be eligible for a 20% fee reduction if you're a BCU graduate enrolling onto an eligible Master's or PhD qualification for the first time in 2024/25 or 2025/26!

BCU's Graduate Scholarship

Discover what it's like to study a Master's

Josi shares her experience of starting a Master’s straight after her Bachelor’s degree at BCU and discusses a lot of the questions you may currently have about the transition between courses.

Josi's experience

Apply using our fast track application

Our fast track application means you can apply for postgraduate study in just a few minutes if you're a current BCU undergraduate student. 

How apply using the fast track application