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There’s a lot to think about if you’re considering applying to uni, but it's important that you keep course entry requirements in mind while you're doing your research. Find out more about what they are and where you can find them.
What are entry requirements?
Entry requirements are the qualifications and subjects you need to have studied, or the grades you will need to achieve in order to apply for a particular course. Entry requirements will be different for each course and at each university, as every institution sets its own.
These requirements can be a mix of qualifications at different levels, but most commonly they consider GCSE (or Functional Skills) grades, as well as Level 3 qualifications such as A Levels and BTECs, which are often converted into 'UCAS Tariff points'.
What are UCAS Tariff points?
Most institutions will use UCAS Tariff points as part of their entry requirements, which is where all of your qualifications are converted into points, making it simpler for universities and colleges to compare applicants that may hold different qualifications.