
As a BCU student, you'll have access to a wide range of IT facilities, systems and benefits. As part of your enrolment, we'll send you your BCU email address and password to access these services.
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
When you first use your new login details to access any BCU services from outside of the University (including your new email account, Moodle, iCity etc) you will be prompted to register for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
MFA is the process of using two or more independent factors (a password AND a code) to verify your identity for a login - similar to what you may use with online banking.
As well as protecting your data and keeping your account secure, MFA also allows you to change your assigned password to something personal or more memorable. You will be able to change/unlock your password once you register for MFA.
Your email account will be the main point of contact used by the University to send important information to you. You can access your email account anywhere you can access the internet, so please make sure you check it regularly to avoid missing any important news or information.
Generally, your email will look like this: FirstName.LastName@mail.bcu.ac.uk.
Student benefits and discounts
As a BCU student you can access student discounts and benefits on Apple hardware, Microsoft software products and Adobe design software and much more! Find out more on iCity once you've enrolled.
Discover your digital skills
Before you get going with our online systems at BCU, you can use the Digital Skills Discovery Tool to help you self-assess and improve your digital skills. Whether you need support engaging with online teaching or with using software for your assessments, recognising your own strengths and weaknesses will help you improve on the skills you have during your time at BCU and beyond.
IT Training
Our IT Training team offer regular free sessions and workshops for students once you're here, to get to know our IT systems.
Your tutor, or you, can request training sessions for groups, or we can arrange a one-to-one sessions on the basics, such as email, web browsing and word documents.
Help and support
Our IT Help Team is available during teaching hours to offer support across a range of channels, including:
- online via the IT Self-Service Portal
- over the phone on 0121 331 6543
- on email at ithelp@bcu.ac.uk
- in person at one of our IT help desks (Parkside Building, Curzon Building, and Seacole Building)
The team can help with issues from password rests to software downloads, hardware faults and replacement devices.
Using IT at BCU
From where to find your timetable or resources for your course to knowing where to find your personal information, check out our introduction to using IT at BCU.