Who You Can Talk to for Support

Blog Article

Students in study area

The amount of services on hand to support you can feel a bit overwhelming and it’s sometimes difficult knowing where to go for the support you need. But there are members of staff who will always be there for you to point you in the right direction.

Faculty Student Centres

Your Faculty Student Centre (FSC) is your one-stop-shop for all student support and guidance.

Your FSC Team will have extensive knowledge of student life, ready to help with anything related to your student journey; from starting out, all the way through to assessments and beyond. 

Whether it’s course-related, accommodation, support for your wellbeing or your finances, or anything else, your FSC can help. If they don’t have the answer to hand, they’ll know where to find it. 

Faculty Student Centres are open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Find your Faculty Student Centre:

Personal Tutor

Your nominated personal tutor will be allocated to you during the first few weeks at university. They will be a member of the teaching team who can be approached for personal and professional advice during your time at BCU. The personal tutor system also aims to enrich your learning experiences both in university and practice.

Personal tutors are not necessarily experts in your subject area, but they are committed to supporting your learning, wellbeing and professional/academic skills whilst you are studying at BCU. For subject advice please see your programme leader or module leader.

The purpose of having one nominated staff member as your personal tutor is so that there is someone who knows you well beyond individual modules, who can help you develop personally and professionally. The better you get to know your personal tutor, the better they can support you!

Your Students’ Union

As a student member of BCUSU, you have access to the wide range of fantastic services and facilities that the team offers. BCUSU is independent from the University and is run by five elected student officers.

BCUSU also runs the SU Advice Centre for information, advice and representation on a range of student welfare issues. The team mainly helps with academic matters (such as extensions, appeals and complaints), money issues (loans, debt, hardship funds, etc.) and housing problems (e.g. looking for accommodation, landlord/tenant disputes). We can also provide advice on other issues including consumer, legal and employment matters.

More about the Advice Centre