Publications and Debates

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Publications for research centre

Sample our extensive research output by browsing through our publications, or experience our academics in action by watching our new series of debates on urban cultures in a post-Covid landscape.

Urban Cultures debate series

Impact Through Architecture - Caukin Studio

Educating the creative practitioner – The University as Agent of Change - Professor Rachel Sara, Oscar Naddermier Professor of Architecture

Urban Cultures Debate : Housing/Alternatives? - Visiting Professor George Clarke; Arthur Kay, CEO, Skyroom; Kim Swallowe, Cherwell Build! And Matthew Jones, Associate Professor of Architecture

Made in Brooklyn: Artists, Hipsters, Makers, Gentrifiers - Amanda Wasielewski


Armitt, M. (2019) Russia House (Academic Website) University of Liverpool School of Architecture/Birmingham School of Architecture and Design,

Armitt, M. (2020), Teaching Space in Architecture: Experimental Pedagogy at VKhUTEMAS–Moscow (1923–1926), Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (forthcoming publication)

Armitt, M. (2020), VKhUTEMAS: the Revolutionary School of Architectural Teaching: No 1, Spring, SCRSS Digest

Columbano, A., and Jones, M. (2020), Collaboration for innovation in housing: The role of the civic university in delivering new homes in the city. Presented at AHRA Housing and the City, 19-21 November 2020, Nottingham.

Feng, H. and Xiao, J., 2021. Dynamic Authenticity: Understanding and Conserving Mosuo Dwellings in China in Transitions. Sustainability, 13(1), p.143.

Jones, M., (2020) Transforming Towns: Designing for Smaller Communities (London: RIBA Publishing).

Jones, M., Rice, L. and Meraz, F. (eds) (2019), Designing for Health and Wellbeing: Home, City, Society. (Delaware, USA/Malaga, ES: Vernon Press).

Heal, A. and Jones, M., (2019). Co-constructing community wellbeing: developing a framework to identify how student-community collaborative public space projects impact on community wellbeing. In: Designing for Health & Wellbeing: Home, City, Society (Delaware, USA/Malaga, ES: Vernon Press).

Martinez Sanchez, M.J. (2020) Dynamic Cartography. Body, Architecture and Performative Space. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Rice, L., Sara, R. (2020) Towards an architecture for wellbeing. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Built Environment Proceedings. Tokyo, Japan. Publisher: Erlanghen, Germany, Pp 75-85. ISBN 978-3-9820-758-5-3.

Sara, R, Columbano, A and Jones, M (2019) Exploring the Role of University/Community Collaborative Action in Rethinking, Resisting and Reimagining the Creative City 12-13 September, Digital Cultures Research Centre, UWE Bristol

Sara, R (2020) ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO ARCHITECTURE: Working with students and communities Finding Common Ground, Centre of Gravity, Tobacco Factory, Bristol 22 October

Sara, R (2020) Feminist Architecture Education, Women in Architecture and Design, XChange International Womens Day Festival, 11th March 2020, Birmingham City University

Sara, R (2020) The Pink Book – 20 years on: Reflections on a feminist manifesto for architecture education, Teach out: The Feminist School of Architecture, 5th March 2020, Sheffield

Sara, R (2020) Design Crit: Reflections on 20 years of critique, Rethinking the Crit, TU Dublin, 29-30th January

Sara, R, Al-Tarazi, D, and Rice, L (2020) Da–Sein dwellings: An exploration into the meaningful aspects of home and its relationship to human needs, AHRA 2020 Housing and the City Conference, Nottingham, 19-21 November 2020

Sara, R. and Jones, M., 2019. Co-constructing community wellbeing: developing a framework to identify how student-community collaborative public space projects impact on community wellbeing. Designing for Health & Wellbeing: Home, City, Society, p.187.

Sara, R., Jones, M. and Rice, L., 2020. Austerity urbanism: connecting strategies and tactics for participatory placemaking. CoDesign, pp.1-17. doi: 10.1080/15710882.2020.1761985

Sara, R and Sara, A (2019) City Bathing, Sensing the city, Coventry 15th November [Event and talk]

Xiao, J., & Hilton, A. 2019. An Investigation of Soundscape Factors Influencing Perceptions of Square Dancing in Urban Streets: A Case Study in a County Level City in China. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(5), 840.

Xiao, J., Tait, M. and Kang, J., 2020. Understanding smellscapes: Sense-making of smell-triggered emotions in place. Emotion, Space and Society, 37, p.100710.